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  1. N


    this might sound dumb but is it possible to have like a hydroponics system outside so you could grow outdoors?
  2. N

    Growing in a tree

    thats a nice lil setup lol..... but fdd you said thats how they grow in hawaii and it's kill? how does that make the difference??
  3. N

    Marijuana Seeds

    so does anyone know about ? They have a descent amount of strains and they're cheap as hell (right now anyway). Anyone ever bought from them or know anything about them?
  4. N

    Hydrogen Peroxide???

    im am trying to figure out the same thing -- now i understand what it's for, but how much do you use? do you add a little bit too it or use it instead of water *btw i'm a first time grower*
  5. N

    Outdoor Grow.. What should i add to the soil??

    I am wondering about these same things =/ And what else are some other things i can put in my soil that will release the nutrients over time and allow me a more "hands off" approach
  6. N

    Marijuana Seeds

    All of you are in the U.S. right? And were still able to recaive these seeds without a problem of any kind?:confused: