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  1. D

    Done yet?

    its og kush if i remember right i harvested today because i looked at my trichs today and alot of them where amber
  2. D

    Can i harvest tomorrow?

    I need to now because its going to rain on monday for where i live let me now asap please these pictures where taken [6 DAYS AGO].\\
  3. D

    Frost and thieves!!

    gun with a silencer on it go out alot in the AM hours and wait for some thieves
  4. D

    Done yet?

    really want more opinions im gonna harvest tomorrow i think thats 6 days from when i posted this
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    Done yet?

    so would you say 2 more weeks?
  6. D

    Done yet?

    What do you guys think can you see them good enough?
  7. D

    Someone Stole my Plants!!!!

    have your gun ready and a mulch pile to dump the thiefs body bongsmilie
  8. D

    How long until i harvest these?

    90% orange hairs n 75% amber trichs
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    Budworms and Safer

    how much do you recon?
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    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    man sucks ur plants got ripped off a bit back but gotta have your guns ready and a mulch pile to throw the bodys in :D
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    Budworms and Safer

    last night i whent outside with a light and saw 2 moths hanging on the end of my fan leaves with there asses pointed underneath. so i whent inside and made a gallon of safer and evenly sprayed a gallon on both plants and i really soaked them good but i just wanna now if i can spray to much and...
  12. D

    how long till harvest?

    ok thank you
  13. D

    how long till harvest?

    how long till you guys think my plants our done i live in nor cal and they started to flower in july and will the buds get bigger?
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    Help closet grow

    Hey guys im starting a closet grow in a 6 foot long by 5"6 tall by 2 feet 6inches wide closet and i wanted to now how many plants you guys think i could fit in there and id like to use t5s for the growing heres a picture of the closet.
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    fucking gofers

    i just flush them out and toss them off the cliff in my backyard lol
  16. D

    Redish orange spots on tip of leaf?

    i got a outdoor og kush and i just noticed it has redish orange spots on the tip of 2 leaves is it a serious problem or no?
  17. D

    Help yellowing leaves!

    Super nutes lol :D
  18. D

    Soil to use?

    next year i want to put my outdoor plants in huge 50gallon trash cans with all fox farm soils and river gravel for drainage whats your guyses opinions on soils and the river gravel idea?
  19. D

    Help yellowing leaves!

    thank you good to now i though i might have a problem
  20. D

    Help yellowing leaves!

    Im not sure if its normal they are in flowering and i live in northern california outdoor grow