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  1. Argentum

    419 Eater - Nigerian Money Scam

    That's awesome. I am not that good at social engineering but perhaps one of you cats could convince those bastards you are a fed?
  2. Argentum

    Mouldy Weed can kill you

    If you eat a moldy banana and die, was it the banana that killed you?
  3. Argentum

    Mouldy Weed can kill you

    If it came straight from the media and you believe it...I'd check your sources. Death by aspergillus is not and should not be categorized as a death from marijuana. Am I correct?
  4. Argentum


    In response to the X. I am not so big on popping a pill that could have so many unknown drugs in it it could literally kill you on the spot. I mean, it's not like coke couldn't but at least you'd know. You pop and X, and there you go along for the ride. I won't claim to know how good/bad ecstasy...
  5. Argentum

    24/0 vs 18/6

    It appears the only step left is for us own to do our own controlled experiments. Everyone be sure to eliminate your variables and carefully document your findings! Yeah right...
  6. Argentum


    until they give you a shot of nitro and you get the worst headache of your life :)
  7. Argentum

    HOLY F*$K 120x salvia

    Yeah there's no telling what that whack shit will do. With some 10x extract my brother 5 takes one or two rips and think's he's a cardboard box lost in a warehouse. I have to smoke at least 5x more than him and I just feel pissy and my clothes get uncomfortable. Supposedly half a percent of...
  8. Argentum

    If u like LSD maybe..

    I know a girl who tried that. I held her hair back for her as she puked uncontrollably for 3 or 4 hours. and it was the "blue" ones.
  9. Argentum


    To clarify, I am talking about the medicinal usages of benzos. No, I wouldn't plan a weekend around my refill of Valium. It just helps my anxiety. If I want a drug that will whack me out of my skull I'll take shrooms. Too much bunk LSD and X going around these days.
  10. Argentum

    419 Eater - Nigerian Money Scam

    That's awesome. I'm so doing that all baked out.
  11. Argentum

    Online Meds Anyone???

    I know opioids are getting harder to get but benzo's (valium,xanax,lorazepam,klonopin) are easy as shit. Walk into a doctor's office, tell them you have bad anxiety and that SSRI's don't work. If you know what you are talking about and don't display drug seeking behaviour (e.g. naming drugs you...
  12. Argentum


    Diazepam (Valium) also doesn't make me sleepy like clonazepam (Klonopin) or alprazolam (Xanax).
  13. Argentum


    Valium isn't that good? Valium is amazing. A typical dosage to is about 5mg 3x daily for a male(assumption) of 75kg. It does miracles for anxiety. It's even on the W.H.O.s list of 100 most essential drugs. Yeah if you have no tolerance to benzodiazepines I wouldn't take 20mg before I drove.
  14. Argentum

    "organic" water?

    "organic" water?
  15. Argentum

    24/0 vs 18/6

    I think there is some truth to both sides. It is a known fact that cannabis can photosynthesize continuously during vegetative growth but plants can be over "saturated" by light causing photoinhibition (reversible). It interferes with photosystems I & II damaging the water oxidizing process...
  16. Argentum

    Mouldy Weed can kill you

    Perhaps you could just as easily have some penicillin and cure the chlamydia the cheap hooker who sold you the moldy bud gave you?
  17. Argentum

    hermie or early female preflowers

    Out of overwhelming curiosity, did they end up being a hermaphrodite?
  18. Argentum

    My First Girl (preflower pics)

    I forgotten to mention props, Loco! Cstr4 had the right idea. I think I'll twist one up and ponder nothing for awhile.
  19. Argentum

    My First Girl (preflower pics)

    ruderalis is commonly hybridized with white widow which yield plants that flower readily.
  20. Argentum

    MALE preflower

    Great post, thanks. Are male and female depicted the same strain?