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  1. scrubz

    Bubblegum 3 weeks from seed 4days flower

    what about my first set of pics which show the top node of the plant... or would that just be a big bud of ball sacks? cuz it looks like white hairs are coming out of it...and there looks to be 2 tiny white hairs starting to come out of other nodes....could this just be extra growth? thanks for...
  2. scrubz

    Bubblegum 3 weeks from seed 4days flower

    noooooo.....well that sucks...i was only doing this as an experimentation and i was only growing looking to pick up seeds and start a new grow in the new year...more plants of course and c how they do
  3. scrubz

    Bubblegum 3 weeks from seed 4days flower

    these pics r more of the bushy it tall it is
  4. scrubz

    Bubblegum 3 weeks from seed 4days flower

    here are some more pics...more of the alleged "ball sacks"
  5. scrubz

    Bubblegum 3 weeks from seed 4days flower

    alright so a few days have passed and now im starting to think my plant may be a hermie? looks like little ball sacks are forming, but some that i thought were ball sacks are now starting to look like the top node?!?! really coming in soon
  6. scrubz

    Bubblegum 3 weeks from seed 4days flower

    yea i heard about hermies....hope she doesnt turn out to b one...that would b unfortunate....shes getting so bushy....getting bigger by the there anyway i can get her to yield more? i cant wait to c how the smoke is..
  7. scrubz

    Bubblegum 3 weeks from seed 4days flower

    so does that mean it is a female then? or do i have to wait longer to make sure.
  8. scrubz

    Bubblegum 3 weeks from seed 4days flower

    so ive been growing the bubblegum strain for about 3 24/0 lighting. I am currently using 3 26W and 3 42W CFL. Growing in just basic soil, just started watering every 3 or 4 days or whenever she needs it. What do you guys think? Can you tell if its female yet? Im just a noob so any...
  9. scrubz

    1st grow bubblegum

    Bueller?? Bueller?? Bueller??
  10. scrubz

    1st grow bubblegum

    pics didnt upload....dammit
  11. scrubz

    1st grow bubblegum

    alright so this is my second attempt at growing (the first attempt had to be cut short due to circumstances outside of my control). So this is my second attempt at bubblegum, i have the exact same setup as before, just more lights this time. Using a soil medium, watering when the soil is dry up...
  12. scrubz

    Poems About Weed

    Mary Jane, she's my best friend, She's always been good to me, She come and take all my troubles away, She dont stray too far from the west end, She's always been close to me, When she's around i just drift away High Grade, High Grade Is the type of love that she give to me High Grade, High...
  13. scrubz

    First Grower...1 week old seedling PICS!!!

    aight so this is my first everyone else i did some research on here before going out and getting my supplies... this wasnt a big grow, just a couple plants as an experiment. So i germinated my seeds using the paper towel method, and waited till the seed actually started to sprout in...