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  1. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    100 watt incandescent?

    And I can't find the pictures everyone seems to be talking about... mind posting those again please.
  2. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    100 watt incandescent?

    Ok. SO what I've gotten outta this 31 page forum is that you are trying to grow weed with one 100w incondesent. I used cfl's but HPS is the best wayy to go for starters. Not saying you can't grow a plant with a 100w but... your really an idiot, and wasting your time. ANd for your all "natural"...
  3. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Yellowing dying leafs, what's wrong?

    Thanks I figured out already it was mold. i harvested about a month ago but Not that big of a deal cuz it only got 6.3 and i got a little under 2 o's. Just made a few people probably less happy if u no wha i mean lol.
  4. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    what kind of smoker are you?

    More of a bong/pipe smoker. In my opinion you get higher then blunt for the same amount of weed. :eyesmoke: But On the days I'd like to chill and take a walk. I smoke a blunt :joint:
  5. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Heat stressed. Any hope?

    Sorry I can't get pic's on here but HE lost about 100 or more leaves off both plants. An I can't tell you anything about temp. But that he's using a 1000 watt hps. Hope this helps....
  6. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Heat stressed. Any hope?

    Well my friend has two plants an the information i have is that they were heat stressed. He's added ventilation and the one is coming back beautiful an the other is still looking pretty dead. is there anything he can do or any hope for the other plant?
  7. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Do I harvest?

    Once again just wanna say thanks to ganjagoddess, ganjababy and ghengiskhan I cut them down last night and salvaged what i could. My ladies still smelled good and where nice and sticky so hopefully 4 months wasnt a complete waste. As for the mold, thanks for the heads up because i posted...
  8. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Do I harvest?

    once again i have read the grow fag! I dont see anything about making hash. But thanks for helping me out guys and saving what i have left of my girls
  9. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Do I harvest?

    how do you make hash .
  10. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Do I harvest?

    it's not my whole plant thats just the top. and my other one in my avatar isnt brown an have webbing yet. I'm gonna cut her down and when your curing do you leave them in dark with air circulation?
  11. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Do I harvest?

    This is my first grow guys. Basically the dude who was the brains of the opperation walked out on me. I read the grow fags and everything. Dont honestly kno too much. How do i save my girls?
  12. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Do I harvest?

    Meaning i cut her down now? I keeep the fan not directly on her right?
  13. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Do I harvest?

    SO I'm a little worried about my plant, i noticed her hairs are turning brown Should I cut her down?
  14. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Yellowing dying leafs, what's wrong?

    I'm not saying I dont want to listen to you cause obviously you know more then me but If I already used neem oil to kill gnats about 3 weeks ago, and i'm in my 8/9th week of flowering and the webbing is just showing up probably 2 weeks ago.... could it just be my strain? I might be wrong but...
  15. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but

    Seriously using a male plant isn't that bad. Not shit it doesn't have a high level of THC but it still contains low levels, and it truely is a waste just to throw 2 months away because it's a male and not going to produce buds. Either way, your gonna get high, so who cares. If you wanna waste...
  16. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Yellowing dying leafs, what's wrong?

    I dont think they were caused by spider mites because wouldnt they have showed up back in march with the gnats? also The web like stuff isn't really like a web.... It's more like Fluff. almost looks like cotton is appearing on my buds..... btw thanks for the reply, You've finally made me...
  17. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Yellowing dying leafs, what's wrong?

    lately my plants have had yellowing tips an spots showing up on the leaves and there beginning to die off. i can't figure out whats wrong with them. I've checked the pH and it's around normal so i was wondering if anyone had ideas on whats wrong or if it's simple and i'm just not leaving my...
  18. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Bug question

    neem oil works great, $10 for a small bottle at the hydro store, depending on how many plants you have and if your going to home depot DO NOT USE house and garden insect spray. It does not work AT ALL. waste of money.
  19. ~*KushSmoker27*~

    Where can i buy a Vortex?

    I'm looking for a vortex bong, and if anyone knows where i can reliably purchase one that would be great. Thanks :bigjoint: