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  1. stiky budd hole

    First time L.E.D. Question

    ok dual it is, Thanks sixstring
  2. stiky budd hole

    First time L.E.D. Question

    Ok my set up, 4x8x72 mars tent, 1 900w 2 600w MEIZHI L.E.D. lights, 6 plants in D.W.C, 3 @ 4 weeks in 2 1/2 gal buckets and 3 @ 7 weeks in 5 gal buckets, my question that I have not been able to find an answer for, should I flower in dual spectrum or only flower mode, if only flower mode should...
  3. stiky budd hole

    seed question

    Thanks guy's
  4. stiky budd hole

    seed question

    OK hears a dumb question for you, I have only been growing for a year now and a couple of harvests have had a few seeds, does this mean she got pollenated or did I just let them go to long, I have no males I only use clones, so the only possibility is hermaphrodite I haven't noticed any hermi's...
  5. stiky budd hole

    Active Washington Patients?

    Thurston county here
  6. stiky budd hole

    Possible new grower with a few questions...

    do you have your medical authorization? if you do then your limit will be printed at the bottom. if you do not have it you are not legal to grow. most limits are 15 plants hope this helps
  7. stiky budd hole

    Pineapple Xpress

    This is my P-Xpress at 4 1/2 WK's from switching to 12/12, I love the way it's growing and putting on mass, but I am concerned it's maturing to fast, I looked at the trich's this morning and they are at least 95% cloudy, saw 2 ambers and just a few clears the buds still seem to be swelling , I...
  8. stiky budd hole

    Alaska MMJ card holder visiting Seattle

    that's a good question
  9. stiky budd hole

    spider mites in the flower room

    thanks for all the advise guy's, at least I have some options other than just kill them
  10. stiky budd hole

    spider mites in the flower room

    what can I do? can I spray them my plants are in week 6 of flower? I just noticed them today but they are pretty bad
  11. stiky budd hole

    How bad is

    Thanks I'm hoping for the best, worst case I harvest the one top early
  12. stiky budd hole

    How bad is

    a super crop 5 wks. into flower, will I lose my top? I was tying my tops down and put a little to much pressure on her and she crimped, I have it taped at the joint and put a splint on it, what do you think will she be alright or not
  13. stiky budd hole

    just wanted to share

    so I just read the term nanners the otherday and was wondering what the heck he was talking about, well I now know, they just started today on my unknown strain so she is getting choped tonight
  14. stiky budd hole

    just wanted to share

    yes, don't know if their is a bennefit I just like the look
  15. stiky budd hole

    just wanted to share

    I have 5 plants under the lights
  16. stiky budd hole

    just wanted to share

    my grow room is 7x10 and I have 2- 1000W HPS, With an a/c unit to keep the temps down, as far as nutes go I am useing fox farms grow big for veg and big bud for flower
  17. stiky budd hole

    just wanted to share

    a couple pic's of my girls week 5, The one with the biggest cola is an unknown strain from a seed I had, the other is my blueberry. This is my second harvest ever, so I am very exited at the results
  18. stiky budd hole

    whats causing this ?

    I was thinking this mite be the cause but the buds have tripled in size since the over heating and they are still doing very well, since I tied them down they have all turned up twards the light over night and looking very healthy other than the sagging foliage one more thing to remember I am...
  19. stiky budd hole

    whats causing this ?

    I have them in 2-3 gal pots not sure but I think they are 3 gallon, I am useing organic mulch mix from home depot, was feeding seabird and guano fertalizer about once a week with water every other day or so as they needed it and backed off to just water to see if it is a nute issue, what is...
  20. stiky budd hole

    whats causing this ?

    not sure what kind of info you are looking for