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  1. barbz

    McDonald's Guide to Living on Minimum Wage

    Look at Craigslist before you start dissing minwage "losers." some of the jobs that pay minimum want proficiency in a whole bunch of software packages, plus other skills. All for $8 an hour. I wouldn't get out of bed for that.
  2. barbz

    5th week flowering yellow leaves purple spots. Please help!!! First grow

    What is the pH of your water after adding nutes? From what I've read, if you're having uptake problems it's likely due to the pH of your water. Our tap water can get up to 8.1, that's the highest I've measured. I keep my range between 5.9 and 5.5. Also, sativa dominant plants seem to get...
  3. barbz

    The Great Post-Herm Apocalypse Grow from the Ghetto

    Due to a number of unanticipated problems, we lost two of our three plants to herming. Problems ranged from bacterial slime in the satdom to nutrient uptake problems due to pH. Of the three, only delahaze survived and harvest was pretty measely. I cracked some seeds, and we acquired a tired...
  4. barbz

    Yellow leaves

    Yeah if you're running with potting soil you do not have to give nutes the same way as in coco coir or other external nutrient systems. Agree with the flush, but easy on the Reverse Osmosis water. It will leach out nutes from the plant. Maybe one hit of that, then flush. Then light water for a...
  5. barbz

    Another Newbish Adventure in Cultivation Problems

    Delahaze on Harvest Day Some final notes. As you can see, this plant is paling from the leaf tips in toward the stem. The flushing resulted in a bunch of stinky water. Earlier, we treated our coco with H2O2, flushed it well, then let it dry out a bit, and the hydrogen sulfide odor disappeared...
  6. barbz

    hi im having problems with my grow anyone able to help

    Insufficient data, unable to compute. List precisely what your partner did different when he put them into flower, please. What is your bloom system and how high is the light from the top of the plants?
  7. barbz


    No, you cannot blame the soil. You put your plant into a plastic coffee can with holes in the bottom. That is okay. But then you put the can in a plastic bag to collect the runoff. That is not okay. When a can of moist earth is set in water, at some point the flow will reverse and the can will...
  8. barbz

    Vertical Coco Tent Grow-Breeder's Boutique Deep Psychosis, Sour Cherry & Qrazy Quake

    As soon as our seeds have true leaves, we put them in 3 gal smartpots w/ coco. These plants do not like being moved after roots are established. Moving them from a hatch pot to a 1 gallon to a 3 gallon would stress them unnecessarily. They'll grow into the bigger pot. This is only our second...
  9. barbz

    Anybody think they/the world would be better off if they were never born?

    I thought about it a lot when I was younger. Now I don't give a damn.
  10. barbz

    america insulting other countries

    You can't really blame the Russians. Remember that adopted kid the American parents pinned a note to and sent back to Russia all by himself? That was an extreme case. But the fact is, Americans seeking white babies seemed willing to adopt a cute little muffin gone psychotic from being...
  11. barbz

    WTF is this bug, i named him Gorlok destroyer of worlds, after i attempted to...

    You don't want leafhoppers. They suck sap and spread disease. Kill on sight!
  12. barbz

    Need Help, Any Advice

    Yep. Why it's called "weed."
  13. barbz

    Freshwater Fish tank water as nutrient supplement?

    I used to put used guppy water from my 20 gallon tank on all my indoor plants. None were THAT plant, but things did seem to flourish. However, for a grow I stick to organic nutes. I know what I'm getting there.
  14. barbz

    The Truth about Hermaphrodites

    Maybe I'm an idiot. I thought herms should be pulled because you probably have other plants in your grow room that don't want to be pollinated. That's why I ganked our male MK and hermed Buddha Tahoe. The remaining Delahaze is virginal and has three donkey dicks (and one burrito) without seeds...
  15. barbz

    pre flower or is she budding?

    Put it this way. Can you stop in the middle of an orgasm? when biology rolls, it rolls hard and you can't stop it. Congratulations, it's a girl and it's going to bloom, so you might as well put it on 12 and stand back.
  16. barbz

    Is the green rush over?

    My concern is that Big Pharma (or alcohol/tobacco concerns) will suck up to our elected officials and basically exclude us from growing anything for any reason, so they may hold the monopoly and control prices.
  17. barbz

    Another Newbish Adventure in Cultivation Problems

    Okay, where we at now in this nightmare grow? Good question, let's review: 1. Delahaze turned as yellow as hepatitis eyes in the bloom room. 2. Buddha Tahoe had RO water issues leading to calcium deficiency and crispy leaf spots. 3. MK looked real good until it grew balls. So, of the three...
  18. barbz

    My LiL TGA Grow

    I fish too! I like ocean fishing, rivers are unfamiliar grounds for me. You go for the pinks in Oregon? We should start a 420 fishing club. Boat leaves at 4:20 ayem, lol.
  19. barbz

    12/12 from seed

    Is this Russian spam or what?
  20. barbz

    Another Newbish Adventure in Cultivation Problems

    Equally as horrible, MK turned out to be male. It was not a feminized seed, so we took our chance. It has not been a really great cycle.