Search results

  1. Golden Buddha

    Clincial Depression vs everyday depression

    I didn't think you were belittling my condition, it just appeared on the surface to be more of the same empty promises I've heard most of my life. I interpreted it as ignorance rather than malice. It can be quite difficult to decipher intent from just the written word and I was merely trying to...
  2. Golden Buddha

    Clincial Depression vs everyday depression

    Hobbes, I live with clinical depression, panic disorder, PTSD, and chronic pain from four crushed vertebrae. Treating my issues by taking a steam bath and eating bananas to correct a "pH imbalance" is a joke. I'm not saying it can't benefit some people, just that it's a very simplistic...
  3. Golden Buddha

    Be careful on RIU.

    I'm kinda new here, but isn't there a thread that's several years old, with hundreds of pages dedicated to Texas growers showing off their babies? I'm not saying OP is paranoid, I'm just saying he seems to be suffering from an extreme, irrational fear of persecution... :leaf: Golden Buddha :leaf:
  4. Golden Buddha

    Is prohibition really about hemp?

    6. Religious Temperance Movement - There are those who believe it is their solemn duty to God to remake the world according to their vision. Carrie Nation is still running around with her Bible and hatchet. Although I suppose you could also file that one under ignorance. :leaf: Golden Buddha :leaf:
  5. Golden Buddha

    hugh elec. bill

    The same electric company (which delivers the energy) or the same supplier (which are the power plants that serve the company)? They're not always the same. I'm just thinking that the old tenants in your new residence may have been contracting from another source, like a wind/hydro plant, and...
  6. Golden Buddha

    legalize it

    Cuomo isn't even going to support MMJ, at least not until the feds back off. He's still contemplating a higher office and he doesn't want to rock the boat. :leaf: Golden Buddha :leaf:
  7. Golden Buddha

    hugh elec. bill

    Check your bill and make sure you've still got the same supplier, the rates can vary considerably and they can be sneaky about switching on ya. You can also compare the delivery service rate for your new area, though that's less likely to have changed.
  8. Golden Buddha


    Thanks guys, ya learn something new every day. I've sucked the gel out of a couple of patches and it didn't do jack, but then I also used to wash down a dozen percs with a dozen beers and didn't care if it killed me. I suppose you can mitigate the risk if you're familiar with your tolerance and...
  9. Golden Buddha

    what type of jobs have my fellow stoners got?

    Interfaith Minister :leaf: Golden Buddha :leaf:
  10. Golden Buddha

    Outdoor Tacoma

    Sweet and grapey is not what comes to mind when I recall the aroma of Tacoma. :? Thanks for doing your part to make the world a better place! :clap: :leaf: Golden Buddha :leaf:
  11. Golden Buddha


    Fentanyl is only sparingly soluble in water and you really don't want to be drinking organic solvents. The effects can also be unpredictable, varying with individual physiology, and as you pointed out, with a high potential for lethality. Especially if you're not extremely precise with the...
  12. Golden Buddha

    hugh elec. bill The TVs are likely your main culprit, though the daily washer/dryer cycles are also adding quite a bit. Those five items are probably driving more than half your bill. This website should help you identify where you need to cut back to save...
  13. Golden Buddha

    Genre's you smoke too.

    Since I don't have a radio or TV, I listen to it'll pull both popular songs as well as a lot of awesome tracks that you won't hear on the regular airwaves. My stations are seeded with Pink Floyd (progressive/psychedelic rock), Cypress Hill (hip-hop/rap), Joan Baez (folk), and R...
  14. Golden Buddha

    Intro - First CFL - Advice Welcome

    Nice lights, got my eye on some relatively cheap 420w 6500K for the next crop, it's just a matter of juggling another $100 into the budget among all my other bills. Camera's gone down with a lens error, I don't know if I can fix it before the end of this grow but here's a couple shots from a...
  15. Golden Buddha

    Small Wispy Buds

    I say, don't worry, be happy. Looking fine, but hungry for light. Gotta have a lot of raw energy to run that ATP-ADP cycle to store those nutes. Bring 'em in close and add as many as you can fit without overheating. For a ruderalis any photon is a good photon. She'll take what she can get...
  16. Golden Buddha

    Intro - First CFL - Advice Welcome

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm aware of that drawback with Miracle-Gro, it does impart a pretty heavy chemical taste. I plan to flush thoroughly, though I'm pretty much stuck with the pellets in the soil. I'm hoping it won't be too noticeable. I hadn't really thought it out, I just grabbed some...
  17. Golden Buddha

    Intro - First CFL - Advice Welcome

    Greetings, and warm blessings to all my fellow "lightworkers"! I've been lurking here on these forums for some time, and y'all have been so informative and helpful in my project. In way of thanks I wanted to both introduce myself and formally join the community, as well as share the joy of my...