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  1. DrayrayD

    sex this

    sorry bro thats a male.
  2. DrayrayD


    You need to just wait a couple weeks and you will know, its just too early yet.
  3. DrayrayD

    How does she look? (Pictures Inside)

    nice plant man looks real healthy, i would wait at least two more months you will know just hang tight looks real promising.................................................
  4. DrayrayD

    first time grow need help sexing

    sorry man thats a male, i would chop it down befor it pollinates any other plants in your crop if you have any........................... fucking hate when they turn male sorry bout your luck..............
  5. DrayrayD

    one more soon in the trash.

    That sucks man its a male its a nice looking plant too what a waste!
  6. DrayrayD

    branch bending

    does bending your babies help the plant become more bushy, does it help the noodes grow bigger buds?..............................................
  7. DrayrayD

    The best way to smoke pot

    i believe that a bowl is thre best i get the highest with my bowl.............
  8. DrayrayD

    male? hope not

    thats as male as they get. sorry bro kill it befor it pollinates any females if you have them too. good luck with your grow.
  9. DrayrayD

    Hermie into Female.

    i would just cut the sacks off and continue to grow in a seperate grow room so to not pollinate any females if you have any around and then let the hermie mature then kill and smoke it. thats what i do with my plants that turn hermie. good luck man.
  10. DrayrayD

    ist it a male??

    ya thats as male as they get!
  11. DrayrayD

    any signs of sex in these pics?

    ya man its too early to tell right now. they look good though.
  12. DrayrayD


    what can you smoke at home to get high? besides weed of course. lol:joint:
  13. DrayrayD


    thank you my man much appreciated!
  14. DrayrayD


    anybody else
  15. DrayrayD


    thanks i guess
  16. DrayrayD


  17. DrayrayD


    How do you make hash
  18. DrayrayD


    ok stupid question can you smoke the leaves?............................:peace::blsmoke::joint::blsmoke::peace:
  19. DrayrayD

    pics of male/female? i have

    it too early to tell with them man but they look healthy!!! :peace::mrgreen::peace:
  20. DrayrayD

    pics of male/female? i have

    looks male my man