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  1. X

    What happens if i never harvest???

    I do not plan on doing this but im just curious what would happen to the plant if i continued to take care of it but i just never harvested it? Would it just keep growing bigger and bigger or will it die no matter what??
  2. X

    Tell me what you think of my Marijuana Plants

    This is just an update on my plants, I Moved the whole grow area to my closet because there is more room to work with in there. This is the basic set-up, i have the 2 lava lamps hanging over the plants so i can easily lower or heighten the lights anytime and i have the fluorescent lights over...
  3. X

    Tell me what you think of my Marijuana Plants

    im only looking to get a decent amount of bud just to smoke im not growing to like try to make money... if i even got an ounce of both of them together i would be happy! lol and yeah i know that its best to have high quality equipment and enough space but im not trying to grow them huge or...
  4. X

    Tell me what you think of my Marijuana Plants

    well i am scared to replant them because i dont want to kill the roots but i am gonna throw some more soil on top to try to bury the stem more... and also i do have a fan in there so they do get some circulation... And i cant really add anymore lights to that little cabinet without it being a...
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    Tell me what you think of my Marijuana Plants

    I dont like the containers either but its all i have to use so if you have any good homemade ideas i would do it
  6. X

    Tell me what you think of my Marijuana Plants

    I started The Germination about 8 Days ago, They have been planted for about 4 days and i just transplanted them today. I am a newbie to the whole growing thing and i really need advice! I also have to be sneaky so i dont really have a bigger grow area and i also DON'T have access to...