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  1. M

    My girls need help!!

    Bumpity bump... they are getting worse... Please tell me what I'm doing wrong.. I can't figure it out!!!
  2. M

    My girls need help!!

    I'll try flushing.. Thanks a lot!! And yes, I put 4 clones in a big container, just to try it out.. They don't seem to have any trouble, won't do it again though
  3. M

    My girls need help!!

    The girls are in their 3rd week flowering (Mr. Nice - Shit) The water ph is around 6.5-6.6, I have pretty normal temps. The soil is biojizz light mix. My nutes are Biojizz grow and bloom (2ml/L grow and 3ml/L bloom) I can't figure out what's wrong...
  4. M

    Clone Foggers?

    Maybe you're right.. Thanks a lot!!
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    Clone Foggers?

    The only reason I'm interested in making a fog system is for the clones. I've tried various methods with little success (peat pellets, coco pellets, aero, soil), so I decided to try out this.. I'm quite sure it's my fault that the clones are never ready before day 21, I just don't know what I'm...
  6. M

    Clone Foggers?

    I've already built one, but the roots start to show around day 14. About the overheating prob, I could run the fogger 15min.on 5-10min. off. Isn't fog better than the sprayers? How many ml/h should I shoot for? about 250ml/h?
  7. M

    Clone Foggers?

    Or would any fogger unit suffice? I'm a bit worried about the temps.. Thanks in advance!
  8. M

    Clone Foggers?

    I'm interested in making a 5gal bucket fog cloning unit, and I don't know which ultrasonic fogger to buy. Will this one be ok? Will I have res temp issues with an ultrasonic fogger?
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    Persistent leaf problem

    I hope you're right!
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    Persistent leaf problem

    Every 5-7 days. Plants are in 1 gal. pots
  11. M

    Persistent leaf problem

    Here's a better shot.
  12. M

    Persistent leaf problem

    I'm currently growing Shit (Mr. Nice), and I'm having this problem with my babies. Growing in soil, watering with plain tap water (original ph: 8.1) that I ph down to 6.5 (no additional nutes) I didn't have a ph meter for the first two weeks so I had to feed them with 8.1ph water :/ All of my...