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  1. sidwithnoname

    India Grower's Thread

    Thanks @heisenbuds
  2. sidwithnoname

    Critical+ Auto - Are these ready to harvest?

    Hi Everyone, Here are the latest pics taken exactly 1 week since the last bunch. The leaves are drying up very fast and the pistils are all properly red now. Should I wait some more time? Can one of you take a look and share some advise please.. @GreatwhiteNorth @kindnug @OutdoorGrowin
  3. sidwithnoname

    India Grower's Thread

    Found the India thread - Pics from my first grow (Critical + Auto). Months of efforts into it and getting ready to harvest in 2 weeks time. Here is a sample pic. More Pics posted on this thread --
  4. sidwithnoname

    Critical+ Auto - Are these ready to harvest?

    Thanks everyone for the extremely quick response., Rollitup is the best! I'm so glad I posted and didn't harvest early. I will wait another 2 weeks as advised. @kindnug: Thanks for the tip on the ferts :). It's been a week since I stopped the ferts and i'm just giving it water. @GreatwhiteNorth...
  5. sidwithnoname

    Critical+ Auto - Are these ready to harvest?

    Hi Everyone, I have been growing a plant indoors for the past few months and below are the details: Seed: Critical+ Autoflowering from Dinafem Soil: Natural Southern Indian soil+bone meal+sand Setup: A hollowed out fridge box, measuring 8ft*2.5ft*2.5FT. Taped with aluminium foil on the side to...
  6. sidwithnoname

    Critical +

    Critical +