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  1. K

    Crocket Family Farms?

    So, this last year I grew a sour kosher from DNA and it was beyond great to me. The flavor, type of high, and potency were all top notch! I did have one ball sack on the first seed run (only had a single fem seed, freebie teehee) but every clone I ran after had been perfect little girls, no...
  2. K

    Sour kosher DNA promotion log / post yours!

    Lol, thanks! There were a few people talking about color earlier in this thread, but my temps hardly fluctuate more than ten degrees f. So, I got no change, though the leaves in this plant are a slightly darker green than most of my other genetics (except for my BOG sour strawberry). .
  3. K

    Sour kosher DNA promotion log / post yours!

    Sorry to revive an old thread, but I just wanted to say that Im on my last week of this plant and have already taken a sample to taste. Sour kosher is amazing! The flavor is unreal and strong. My pheno has a very kushy overall taste, but there is definitely some dank OG flavor in there, in the...
  4. K

    Attitude Sept Promo - Cali Connection

    Order Summary Product Code Quantity Price T H Seeds Underdawg OG Feminized Cannabis Seeds - 05 seeds TH 497 1 $56.80 FEMINIZED UFO #1 CH9 Female Seeds Herijuana Jack 33 FEMINIZED UFO #1 1 FREEFreebie/BOGOF FEMINIZED UFO #2 Humboldt Seed Organization Ewe-2 FEMINIZED UFO #2 1 FREEFreebie/BOGOF...
  5. K

    My self made 12-plant DWC system - Critical Kush strain I tried growing a Kosher plant but it hermied right away. I only bought one seed and it did not make it very long into flower, I wish it had, it was a great looking plant.
  6. K

    My self made 12-plant DWC system - Critical Kush strain

    Thanks for the tips. I feel my problem with this one was that I let them get a few inches too big when vegging. I lost track and flipped to 12/12 a few days later than I wanted to and now I can see my error. I meant to have much smaller (in height) plants. My next grow I will start them at...
  7. K

    My self made 12-plant DWC system - Critical Kush strain

    update day 55
  8. K

    My self made 12-plant DWC system - Critical Kush strain

    Here is an update, day 25 of flower. I saw the slightest bit of algae starting in the tube coming from the water pump and decided I would rather not fight the battle for the next 6 weeks and just turned the pumps off. The real reason I ran the pumps was so I didn't have to feed the clones by...
  9. K

    My self made 12-plant DWC system - Critical Kush strain

    Hi there. Yes, I am worried about it. And this is a trial run, but I have been practicing preventative maintenance. I started to get a build up of something that concerned me at first. So I satrted doing more searching of relevant forum posts from all over and I took a few measures which I...
  10. K

    My self made 12-plant DWC system - Critical Kush strain

    Here is a vid of my DWC system. The first vid was shot during the veg cycle, about a week before switching. The second vid was just shot today, one week into the flower cycle. My system: - 400watt mh, going to be switched out to hps within the next week. - 2x 27gal storage containers...
  11. K

    An idea worth testing? Of Course - aerating soil water - my experience

    Here is a pic close up of the top of the plant. I compared it to the previous grow this plant was cloned from and the bud starts are equivalent to 5 days later - day 10 of the hybrid grow is the same as day 15 of the all soil grow. Of course, my methods in general have evolved, but so far the...
  12. K

    An idea worth testing? Of Course - aerating soil water - my experience

    I am 1.5 weeks in and well over 1 foot of growth. In just 7 days, which is when I took the pics, I had 12 inches of growth and have refilled the reservoir with about 15 gallons of new nutrient water so far! Day 1 flower Day 7 flower
  13. K

    An idea worth testing? Of Course - aerating soil water - my experience

    Hello and the start of another grow. Full implantation of the hydro reservoir with soil "Wick" system.
  14. K

    Here is my current design, it evolves with every grow

    And I like hearing feedback. I'm always open to incorporating new ideas. Again, every little bit adds up in the smoke.
  15. K

    Here is my current design, it evolves with every grow

    Absolutely, I've done a lot of changing to my design over time and hope my design might inspire some good ideas for people.
  16. K

    my room with 400 watt hps with cooltube

    Here is the video. I just started messing around with the editing, trying to start growing subscribers and doing more videos. 400 Watt HPS Bulb in CoolTube 440cfm inline fan size: 4'w x 2'd x 5.5'h Girls on display: Back - Herojuana OG-Kush Front Left - Platinum...
  17. K

    Here is my current design, it evolves with every grow

    Here is the video. I just started messing around with the editing, trying to start growing subscribers and doing more videos. 400 Watt HPS Bulb in CoolTube 440cfm inline fan size: 4'w x 2'd x 5.5'h Girls on display: Back - Herojuana OG-Kush Front Left - Platinum...
  18. K

    An idea worth testing? Of Course - aerating soil water - my experience

    Here is the video of my grow area. I just started messing around with the editing, trying to start growing subscribers and doing more videos. 400 Watt HPS Bulb in CoolTube 440cfm inline fan size: 4'w x 2'd x 5.5'h Girls on display: Back - Herojuana OG-Kush Front...