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  1. rickblaine

    Selling Virginity

    A guy met a girl in a bar once and asked her a hypothetical question along these very lines. "Would you sleep with a total stranger for five million dollars?" he asked. She gave it some thought and replied, "Well, for five million dollars in cash, I think I would." "Well, would you come home...
  2. rickblaine

    any one here Living in Florida?

    Orlando, here. If weed is significant for you, I'd recommend someplace else. If the real estate market was normal, we'd be out of here.
  3. rickblaine

    Matters Of. Size

    there is probably a point at which that's true, but i don't think 4 inches is it.
  4. rickblaine

    Matters Of. Size

    We've found a few accommodations that work, including a variation on what you describe. In any event, I'm certainly not complaining about her or our situation in any way. I was just offering my two cents on a topic with which I'm familiar!
  5. rickblaine

    Matters Of. Size

    i've been told by a number of women over the years that size matters. on more than one occasion, i've been told that i was smaller than my partner's average lover and on a couple of occasions the disappointment was the sole expressed reason for why we didn't connect again sexually (even though...
  6. rickblaine


    Thanks. You've really made this whole thread much clearer to me.
  7. rickblaine


    This was an absolutely terrific post. As a newbie (just harvested my first grow yesterday) let me say thank you very much. Now, with this information in hand (and with a great deal of respect for your obvious expertise), I'm wondering if you have any plans on posting tips, etc. on ScrOG and/or...
  8. rickblaine


    When you reference grams per watt, are you referring to harvested weight or dried weight?
  9. rickblaine

    I'm voting for McCain....

    That's really the money quote in this whole discussion. John McCain and his Republican cohorts would be only to happy to put every single of us in jail. I'm an Obama guy, personally, but that's beside the point. If the conservative approach to governance appeals to you, consider voting for Bob...
  10. rickblaine

    Wanted to share, with pics! Enjoy, comments welcome!

    Do I understand this right, that you only got two ounces total out of five plants?
  11. rickblaine

    Has anyone used this before...?

    Actually, that device was recommended by the guys at my local hydroponics store. Since this is my first grow, I don't have anything to compare it to, but it does seem to be keeping the odor in check so far.
  12. rickblaine

    Things to Know About Lighting

    I'm working on my first grow -- a closet grow -- and am currently about five weeks into flowering. I'm using a 450 watt HPS bulb mounted under a reflector hood. Last night, I noticed that several leaves on one of my plants were significantly burned (crispy and brown). I'd been trying to keep...
  13. rickblaine

    harvest early as possible

    You can get a portable microscope at Radio Shack for $12.00 or so. It's well the investment.
  14. rickblaine

    Question About Harvesting Multiple Plants

    Thanks for such a gracious and charming reply. You're obviously a very, very smart person.
  15. rickblaine

    Question About Harvesting Multiple Plants

    This is my very first grow, so bear with me if this is a stupid question... I have three plants flowering. It looks like one is going to be ready to harvest significantly before the other two. Is it typical to harvest different plants at different times? Or do you generally try to harvest all...