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  1. BraddahOshen

    What u pay per O?

    and in like Hawaii I get shit for like 320 an ounce of good heads and 350 for the best shit and like if your paying 300 or less for an ounce of heads.....good for you but dont say shit like "who would ever pay that much for an ounce" my friends from colorado always say when they come home...
  2. BraddahOshen

    What u pay per O?

    fuck you out here in D.C. i get mids like 120 a ounce at the best and its descent mids but headies goes for 450 and sometimes shit i grow i slang for 450 if i grow it well enough...i grow shit with like 15% thc though
  3. BraddahOshen

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    yeah that guy made a lot of sense above me make sure your getting eastern sun/morning sun on your porch also, and not just mid day sun... also your seeds might be total shit.... also you might have a bad attitude and the plants are negatively affected by it...... you should chill out brah...
  4. BraddahOshen

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    PROBLEM IS: you are taking the plants in at night...and not putting them outside till late morning.... early morning is the most important light for plants and they arent getting any
  5. BraddahOshen

    My thoughts on color.

    yall need to smoke more weed and take less acid..... all i know is that earth is a crazy planet, full of crazy things..... compared to life on all the other planets we know about, earth is such a gift from God/ amazing place to be. but yeah colors are colors man, who cares how you describe...
  6. BraddahOshen

    2nd Grow: Super Skunk

    great grow once again....Im curious about the yeild for your previous AMS plants and how your young AMS yeild when they are ready for harvest. great job on the skunk, Im sure it smokes great. Do you think it has a higher THC%/better high than the AMS? I would guess not, because AMS claims to...
  7. BraddahOshen

    First Grow - A.M.S. Feminised

    Braddah Oshen here..... I just planted 6 ams outdoors in 5 gallon pots two days ago. Its pretty warm out today so I hope all works out. I got 14 more I will plant on tuesday. All female of course. I am doing my completely guerilla style though; and if I have anything to report I will do so on...