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  1. M

    I will no longer trim before hanging..for real try it...way better...

    I'm about to harvest my ladies and my only question is how do you know when it's dry enough to start trimming?
  2. M

    Dark period before harvest

    Thank you for posting. About to harvest here anyday and I just hear so many things. I'm kinda new to the scene.
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    Dark period before harvest

    I've heard that right before you harvest that you should leave them in the dark for a few days. I've also heard that it's not true. So does anybody know for sure and why?
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    First run.... I'm a rookie... HELP!

    This is my first run. Everything has gone pretty good 4 this being my 1st time & all. I think their gnats. Leaves feel stickier than normal or maybe I'm just trippin, but the white spots is what really concerns me. How do I get rid of this? & is it going 2 affect the actual flowers? SOS
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    Top HEAVY

    Anybody know what to do when your plants get too top heavy and start leaning?
  6. M

    Watering & Nutes

    Sorry.... Hate to ask such a redundant question. Just wanted to be sure I guess
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    Question bout co2 regulator...

    My grow room is 10x5. On what setting should I have the regulator on for optimum results? Anybody know how to break it down to the pebble level?
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    Watering & Nutes

    I've heard many different methods on watering applying nutrients. Can somebody with knowledge chime in and school me as when to water and/or apply nutrients? Thanks
  9. M

    Do ac wall units let off co2?

    I've heard that most wall mounted ac units let off co2. I'm getting my co2 tank hydrotested, but in the meantime I was wondering if my ac is letting off co2. If anybody knows.... please let me know.... Inquiring minds wish to know