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  1. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    Hello everyone... Is that a grow room down there..?:confused: looks a little fishy.. :? Holy Shit!! it is... Look at those plants! :mrgreen::blsmoke: Hey everybody.. all is well in the grow room. I am blocking light between the closet and my room because i have started the 4 big soil...
  2. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    thanks for stopping by. I have learned so much since i started this grow from the 10 little seeds i got from nirvana back in june. I cant wait to harvest and buy more stuff for the next go around.
  3. igrowhydro

    my first aeroponic design

    watts / volts = amps 1000w / 220v = 4.54 amps
  4. igrowhydro

    200 plant hydro with 18 600hps

    Yeah man are you still going big with the grow?
  5. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    Thanks, I'm learning a lot myself. Hope everything goes as planned here in the next 8 weeks. The PVC pipes were about 65 for all 4. I got them from an electrical wholesale supply co. They even gave me a student discount :mrgreen:.
  6. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    Thanks stinkbud.. I'm still a grasshopper when it comes to aero. :mrgreen: I guess my only question is do you just let the system run for a week at a time without checking pH? Or how often do you adjust pH if at all. Also, is it preferable to add H2O2 to keep pathogens down? and if so how...
  7. igrowhydro

    Come on in and check out my first grow! Should be HUGE

    hey guys thanks for checkin out my post. Click on the link in my signature and you'll be up to speed on my grow.
  8. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    Hey everyone. I have been using the aero cloner for about 5 days and i am starting to get worried. The water temp was a little off it was cold about 68 degrees. So i put a heat pad underneath it and have it set on low. The temperature is now at 75-76. I just wanted to make sure...
  9. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    :mrgreen: Yeah I know! Just thinking about how big the plants will be makes me grin from ear to ear:mrgreen:. It seems that all my clones i started in the aero are perking up quite nicely. Cant wait to post pics when they root. :peace:
  10. igrowhydro

    Stinkbud's party

    nice going bro. I'm pleased to here that the CO2 has made a difference. Those are some big cuttings in that cloner. I just put these in last night. Hope they root well. This will be my first attempt at using the aero cloner.
  11. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    OK i put 13 cuttings in to test out the cloner. I have no leaks.. thanks stinkbud. My mothers are getting so big i am going to have to flower them before i run out of vertical space. :mrgreen: They are looking very healthy. My little 70w sodium down there As soon as I get the...
  12. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    I picked up the new tub today and put everything together. I changed from my 525gph to an eco396. (just to keep temps right) I'm using tap water again with a little pH down added to drop it to about 6.5~7. I'll update with more pics when i put clones in. should i drop the light a bit?
  13. igrowhydro

    my first aeroponic design

    Lookin good bro! Can't wait to see it in action..
  14. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    haha LMAO!! I'll go get one of those and see how it works.:mrgreen:
  15. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    Thank you. I have really tried to do everything i can to ensure a great harvest.
  16. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    Hello everyone.. i've been pretty busy the past week with everything. Here is my diy aero cloner i built tonight. I'm testing it out and the spray is pretty consistent throughout, but i have leaks around the sides of the tub. There is a 500gph pump running 24/7. I'm going to check the...
  17. igrowhydro

    40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's

    thanks man. I got the sprayers in yesterday and should be putting it together either tonight or tomorrow. I'll update everyone as soon as its done. I appreciate the help man:peace:
  18. igrowhydro

    my first aeroponic design

    what brand of red sprayers were you using?
  19. igrowhydro

    Cloning - Aeroponic vs. Bubbler

    yeah i was thinking the same thing. I have a dropper that i use for ph up/down and it makes a nice snug hole for the clones. I pulled the propagation flat, dome, and heat mat out of the grow room yesterday bc of higher temps and put them in my closet which is nice and cool. I misted the dome...
  20. igrowhydro

    200 plant hydro with 18 600hps

    one thing you might want to consider is if the roots become "very" aeroponic style and are accustomed to the mist and cloner conditions thus becoming very long, when you pull them out and transplant into the hydroton they might get pretty shocked idk just a thought