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  1. M

    Anyone played Bioshock Infinite while baked?

    Great game, Great story! Prob my favorite since Red Dead Redemption and Mass Effect.
  2. M

    bubbleicious...1st auto grow....need advice

    Yep I agree 18/6 is the best. The light schedule doesn't matter that mutch but tha ladies like a little rest. Tried one 24/0 recently... She didn't like that too mutch. Oh and go easy on tha fertilizer, there a Lil softO
  3. M

    500 trillion dollar tax cut. (JoeBidensafool)

    Polotics give people the illusion they have a choice, I believe we do not or not as much as most think. Goverment will be corrupt as long as lobbiest and corporation have congress and senit in there pocket. Remember that both candidates are playing public relations right now, and they will say...
  4. M

    Best Strain to help me sleep?

    Tha Kush alwase rocks me to sleep.... And if you don't mind a drink, a beer and a puff alwase does tha trick.LOL
  5. M

    SCROG advice please!

    It really depends on the strain and how long it will stretch, but you can alwase train the top cola under the screen. you may still have timeTo fill the screen if it's a long flowering strain, but with 6 plants that shouldn't be a prob, And what's tha worst that could happen? It should give the...
  6. M

    Do I need to spend $200 for a t5 fixture or am I wasting my money?

    I have used t5s many times (only becaus of height problems)and have had great results. I always grow scrog so the grow takes a Lil longer to fill the screen, but I find it's the only way for fluro's to keep close to the yeald of HPS. If you decide to grow with fluro's I suggest the t5, But I...
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    Bud growth

    It may depend on the strain, but I've noticed the most bud growth happend between 3-7 weeks for my ladies.
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    Obama vs Romney? Who gives a shit?

    Polotics give people the illusion they have a choice. I beleave we do not, or a lot less than most believe. Goverment will be corrupt as long as lobbiest and corporations have seniet and congress in there pocket. We are children controled by media and big money shoving what they want us to see...
  9. M

    my plants are very healthy looking, but with stretch i'm concerned a bit! pls help (:

    I was going to mention the light distance but 20 cm should be close enough, if you can stand a few extra weeks of veg go ahead and lolypop them ladies. Takes a lil more time but in my opinion worth it In the long run. I have never used the soap solution in my soil, but sounds legit. :eyesmoke:
  10. M

    my plants are very healthy looking, but with stretch i'm concerned a bit! pls help (:

    Looking good friend, had a similar problem in my grow, but some soapy water and better airflow fixed it right up. I'll keep tuned for more pick's. Good luck and happy growing
  11. M

    they came!!! took 10business days...not bad

    The attitude is tha bomb, never had a problem and class A+ bud every grow. :hump:
  12. M

    Auto AK47's almost not having buds

    If you must grow with fluro's i have had verygood results with t5's. (high output 54 watt 6000k for veg and 2700 for bloom.) Also scrog ing a plant with t5s will increase the yeald substantially because the light can be very close to all bud sites. Good luck and happy growing.
  13. M

    Brown tips????

    Fox farm ocean forest has never done me wrong. In my opinion its one of the best, apart from mixing your own.
  14. M

    Brown tips????

    I have had similar problems when using fox from products. Not saying I'm not a fan of FF, I am. My fix was just a quick flush to get tha salt out of tha soil and cut tha PPM in half for the next few feedings. If you don't flush every so often with FF you may burn tha girls a bit.
  15. M

    First time growing need help cheap and easy grow indoors?

    If your looking for a small grow with cfl's. I would recomend the scrog method or (screen of green) it will keep your space small sutch as a cabnit and you can keep the light right on top of the plant for a mutch better yeald. I am also a fan of fox farm products, they a are fairley user...
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    Marijuana and Ascension

    Don't drink the cool~aid!!!
  17. M

    Debate #3

    Politics give the people the illusion they have a choice. I believe we do not, Or at least a lot less than most think. Goverment will be corrupt as long as lobbiest and corporations have congress and seniet in there pocket.
  18. M

    Cha Ching

    I have used ch Ching many times. It does seem to add some sticky to it, but don't use full dose. I use about 1/2 of what it says on tha schedule. it will burn tha ladies if your to generous.