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  1. B

    having real big problems with slime

    ok bad news...I went to look this morning and have brown slime on bottom of effected roots. im confused though as I have new roots coming through...pearly white ones. they didn't have any slime just the old yellow roots. could I cut those roots off? or is this a no no? my thinking is they are...
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    having real big problems with slime

    why shouldn't you use super thrive? so I have soaked the ladies in h2o2 and blitzed everything with a strong solution. put my bennies in some fresh water and left for about 16 hours then added some REVIVE by AN and then earlier like 30 mins ago added all the rest of my nutes at normal strength...
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    having real big problems with slime

    3-5 weeks different strains 3-5 nodes high but they are small due to finger slim :-(
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    having real big problems with slime

    Do I add my nutes to the solution or just soak in h2o2 the ladies are only very small hardly any roots at all
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    having real big problems with slime

    This is amazing advice, what can I add to the fresh solution do I add the h2o2 and all the nutes bar the bennies or just the h2o2?
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    having real big problems with slime

    no as I tried the bennies before hand. what would you recommend? I have 4 20 litre buckets filled to 12 litres each root growth and foliar growth are there but slow. why has it gone from brown smelly slime to now white slime. I read that root rot stop from garden aid stops root rot... thanks
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I followed the advice and now have a white slime like snot 48 hours after adding the bennies. I usd root rot stop product from garden aid and vitalink biopac. the slime and res doesn't smell like it did before it just seems like iv gone from one problem to another. my res temps are 19-20 degrees...
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    having real big problems with slime

    hey guys. so ihave a real problem that is annoying the hell out of me! I had brown slime on my roots...root rot or pythium. so I went to the store and got some root rot top and vitalink biopac. the root have gone from having a brown slime to now a white slimey snot consistency. my res is also...
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    Best nutes for the job?!

    WOW greenphoenix that is a sweet ass harvest, look at the size of those babies!!! thanks for all the comments you guys. in the end I went for AN sensi grow and bloom, got some liquid silicon, superthrive (which is amazing!!) some AN carboload for the rootbastic from atami and finally cannazyme...
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    HELP!curling leaves with pics...

    Ok guys, please help! I have a funny feeling this could be due to temp fluctuations beyond my control (this isn't happening now). can this be fixed?do I need something to treat them?will they heal? the temp int he room now is about 24-26 degrees C. my water temp is about 21 degrees C which is...
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    Advance Nuits - Feeding

    By the way I can confirm that ph perfect isn't so perfect at 1/4 strength! Only takes it down a tad. This is to be expected hope it works at full strength :peace: budie
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    Advance Nuits - Feeding

    havent got any messages dude... peace budie
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    Advance Nuits - Feeding

    Any chance you could do a schedule for dwc with A.N sensi ph perfect for me, I find their nute calculator just stupid! cheers
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    filtered water ok?

    great that's what I though just wanted to check...whatever that 220ppm is chemical wise, will that effect the plant?
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    filtered water ok?

    hey guys budie here...again! this place is a god send! ok so I really cant afford tokeep buying distilled water...will filtered water be ok to use in DWC? the ppm of my water is 230-250. If its ok to use do I just take the waters ppm off the total ppm after iv added nutes to get the ppm of the...
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    CFL question and exchanging bulbs

    thanks for the advice as this spured me onto looking at my ballast (don't know why I didn't do this in the first place!) it says 400w MH/HPS ballast. im presuming this means it can take either bulb? wcrazy do you have any advice for my first question...or anyone else. Thanks again Budie
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    CFL question and exchanging bulbs

    hey you guys. so I was wondering 1st off how many plants can be grown under 110w strip of Cf-LE lighting? and 2nd, if I have a 4oow ballast with a 400w HPS bulb screwed in, can I unscrew that and put in a 400w MH for the veg and just keep the CFL's for clones and new shoots? Thanks for the...
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    Big bang grow journal

    They are looking huge and frosty as hell man!frostiest Iv seen in a while!excellent job dude! peace budie
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    Should there be more room between nodes?

    I don't think this meant flowering, I think he meant 12 hours light on the canopy then 12 hours light underneath this will not force flowering.
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    What are your top 5 favorite TASTING strains?

    Hmmm this is quite a difficult one as before I became aware I just used to smoke anything and not really care! Now I do so these are my choices in no order, lemon haze white widow blue cheese i thought lemon haze a very lemony taste and after taste, very citrusy though. And the blue cheese...