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  1. G

    Plants are drooping. Idk what it is help!

    Sorry I accidently posted this twice I have pic on the other post I'm trying to add them here
  2. G

    Plants are drooping. Idk what it is help!

    Thanks everyone it's funny cause when it's about 3-4 hrs before the night cycle they start to droop but when they start the day again they start o perk up. I was probably just worried for no reason but thanks for the advice
  3. G

    Plants are drooping. Idk what it is help!

    I fed them two days ago
  4. G

    Plant Blues help

    I'm having the same prob but I'm in veg still
  5. G

    Broken branch fix

    Shouldn't be a problem. Just get some sticks or something to support the plant so it's not leaning over
  6. G

    Roots not growing well!

    Are u in pods or in soil?
  7. G

    Plants are drooping. Idk what it is help!

    Anyone have any idea what's going on? Lol
  8. G

    Plants are drooping. Idk what it is help!

    So I'm growing pineapple chunk from seed they are about 1 1/2 months in veg (18-6 light cycle) in 5 gal smart pots. I'm using a 1000 watt MH. Using CO2 temps range from 72-83 degree Fahrenheit. I have overfed them once or twice so I have that down but they started to droop again the only thing...
  9. G

    Plants are drooping. Idk what it is help!

    So I'm growing pineapple chunk from seed they are about 1 1/2 months in veg (18-6 light cycle) in 5 gal smart pots. I'm using a 1000 watt MH. Using CO2 temps range from 72-83 degree Fahrenheit. I have overfed them once or twice so I have that down but they started to droop again the only thing...
  10. G

    monday, tuesday power outages?

    Well my plants have been without light 4 hrs. Hopefully the electric comes on asap
  11. G


    Thanks!! I fed them last night. I'm in the city so normally they get the lights on ASAP. Im trying to keep the light cycle the same I usually keep the lights on from 5:50pm to 11:50 am They have been without light since 5:50 so going on two hrs.
  12. G


    Hi everyone I'm new to this site I'm doing a grow right now and I'm in my 4th wee of veg doing 18 on 6hrs off. Today we are getting hit by hurricane Sandy and I have lost power and have no lights in the grow room It's the lights were supposed to turn back on at 6 for the plant but couldn't cause...