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  1. NKultra242

    DMT The Spirit Molecule / DMT discussion. Please join

    Here is my one breakthrough experience. I was looking at a green bandana of mine on the table in front of me. Suddenly, without really noticing, and it was a really smooth transition, I seemingly fell forward into my bandana and for a moment I was immersed in the green black and white patterns...
  2. NKultra242

    Is cannabis use a sin?

    think for yourself, to whoever feels they need approval from others to do what they truly feel in their heart is harmless and good.
  3. NKultra242

    A REAL commitment to change the 25-mile rule

    Every club that is against the 25 mile rule should also start a petition to end the 25 mile rule for their patients to sign so that they have the ability to grow their own medicine, then we would really see who's compassionate or not... I'm sure plenty of patients would sign.
  4. NKultra242

    LSD purity

    REVOLUTION NOW! I've thought for a while too it would be much more beneficial to the psychedelic community if research could be done into growing ergot under perfect conditions as one would with a marijuana plant to get better yield and/or quality product. I have no idea whether this would...
  5. NKultra242


    Anyone who knows anything about LSD knows that if you took that much on a consistent basis you would have such a tolerance you would feel nothing. Also if you ate that much L, I refuse to believe your ego would be so out of line. I could be wrong this guy earned his hat he must know his stuff.
  6. NKultra242

    LSD purity

    Would you eat a blotter sized chunk of crystal to prove it?
  7. NKultra242

    LSD purity

    Purity is not an issue only if you don't care about your health or how clean your trip is. LSD-25 is a Semi-synthetic compound that comes from Ergot, a fungus that attacks rye, which also contains many ergot-alkaloids other than LSD-25 which can end up making there way to the blotter. SKuxx said...