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  1. H

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    what would be the best way to start geting nitrogen back into a plant if the problem ocures
  2. H

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    my ph is 7.8 should i bring that down if so whats a ph to be at and a good method to get it there i am haveing what appears to be a nitrgen prob
  3. H


    to get them bushy i only let the clones get about three inches high in a solo cup then trasplanted to 5 gal bucket and kept light about a foot off top.have light on 20hr off 4. used to grow northern lights and hashplant back in the early 90s, but those plants seemed to be alot more durable then...
  4. H


    thanks will have to look into how to fix this
  5. H


    my plants are 6 weeks in and are starting to yellow. was never into special soil or anything , just a mix of soil and dirt and tap water . useing a 400 hps bulb any sugestions on hor to curb this would be helpfull