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  1. S

    First grow, CFL, Hempy, Training Table LST, Micro cabinet SCROG

    Damn looks really good nuts! im in the middle of my first grow right now and i think im gonna try your method for my next grow once i have some experience under my belt
  2. S

    My noob setup.. thoughts?

    lookin good dude aot like my setup. i love those bulb splitters, your just gonna need alot more light and gonna have to transplant the babes to a bigger pot eventually. Good luck!
  3. S

    When to start flowering???

    yea after doin some more reading and asking questions im gonna keep her in veg, get some more lights then hope for some big ass stinky buds. ill post some more updates once i start budding but i appreciate the input! :bigjoint:
  4. S

    When to start flowering???

    Alrigt thanks guys! im gonna let her veg for a another week/weeknhalf then start budding. ill defiently pick up some more lights
  5. S

    When to start flowering???

    Shes about a month old and im wondering if i should start budding now or wait a couple of more weeks. Any input or advice is appriciated!:eyesmoke:
  6. S

    Growing my first plant

    hmm alright ill probably run 320w-360w and the inside of my dresser is white already. i have one fan right now but i might get another one. one last question haha how did u wire ur dresser for all those cfls? thank you!
  7. S

    Growing my first plant

    i didnt get a 450 cfl :( i misread the package, cause i was high lol but yea my apartments temp is 79 degrees nice and tropical :mrgreen:
  8. S

    Growing my first plant

    i have a spare dresser that i can use actually how many watts would u recomend for 2 plantsand how did u vent ur dresser? thanks for the advice man!
  9. S

    Growing my first plant

    the lumens is 450 my bad i misread the info it has 5000k and 40w. didnt even think about the cardboard burning either thank you man
  10. S

    Growing my first plant

    the lights were about $7 a piece and im just using a cardboard box lined with foil haha im only growing 2 plants but ill try to put up a picture!
  11. S

    Growing my first plant

    they sell them at homedepot cheap and they are actual watt
  12. S

    Growing my first plant

    just wondering what kind of nutes do you use for for vegging and flowering?
  13. S

    Growing my first plant

    Ive done more research on this than on my papers hahaha thanks for the catch on the temperature I appreciate it!
  14. S

    Growing my first plant

    i got a fan for circulation! and the scotts only has like .1 nitrogen, im growing afghan doeo so itll grow pretty easily i think
  15. S

    Growing my first plant

    happy hallowean! :eyesmoke: im a first time grower in college lol im germinating my seeds right now and i picked up some scotts premium potting soil, miracle grow all purpose plant food (12-4-8 ), 2 jiffy pots, two 450w CFls, could anyone give me advice on what else i might need?