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  1. pumbooris

    Good place to get bubble bags (cheap)?

    ebay!!!!! i got a 5 bag 5 gal set for 40.98 with shipping and insurance!!!!!
  2. pumbooris

    crystal king bubble bags??

    sweet thanks for the info i ordered the cheaper ones for now and if i can get the process down ill most likely get the better ones
  3. pumbooris

    crystal king bubble bags??

    has anyone ever heard anything good about these bags? im looking to buy some in the next day or two and would like come input THANKS:joint::peace...
  4. pumbooris

    All in a days work -or- Where's the hash section?

    FDD you are a god!!! why arent you in the bible???
  5. pumbooris


    if you are that worried about it you wouldnt have 51 posts.... stop crying
  6. pumbooris

    Obama wins!!!!

    this sucks why the dam dems!!!!
  7. pumbooris

    I'm voting for McCain....

    its a damn shame.....keep your familys safe and keeps your guns close there will be bad things to come with obama in the white house....
  8. pumbooris

    My president is black!

    i think barrack obama looks like the devil.....i hope the democrates dont fuck up in time of crisis!
  9. pumbooris

    Holy fuck guys! History!

    i think he looks like the devil.....but we will all see how he performs
  10. pumbooris

    Shud I Harvest? chek dis.

    HAHAHA i love number two!!! rep for you!:bigjoint: also the plant looks great!!!
  11. pumbooris

    Flavoring Your Harvest

    that sounds awsome but would the buds suck up the moisture of the extract???
  12. pumbooris

    Underground sea container grow room!

    what about ventalation???? you would almost have to put a shed on top just so you could run air vents in and out of the thing but it would be pretty frickin awsome to have tho!!!
  13. pumbooris

    Germinating question..

    :weed:the best way i have doe it was to fold them in a wet paper towel that place in i lil tupperware thing and stick it on my cable box while it is on...they pop in 24 hours every time!:weed:
  14. pumbooris

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Pot Growers.

    That was a good read!!!
  15. pumbooris

    light gettin in ??????

    i think i have the same problem with my plant the tops look exactly like yours....DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS????? :confused:
  16. pumbooris

    Can i still bend a 1.5 months old plant?

    yea its doable just bend it in small amounts so it doesnt snap...just take it day by day
  17. pumbooris

    help please, auto strains.

    Me too!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeease!!!!:blsmoke:
  18. pumbooris

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    any type of can anything that will fit your cfl i think i seen it in the diy section on RIU
  19. pumbooris

    First CFL Grow, Check It Out

    Try using a coffee can that might work:peace: