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  1. bigedbowman

    Purple spots on leaves / Northern Lights

    A hommie, sometimes when plants get cold or really mature they may purple. The yellowing is from being in flower, slow down and watch somethN else other than your plant. They all look healthy man, relax. If you don't like the yellowing then cut the leaves. You shoud make a journal and read it...
  2. bigedbowman

    Welcome New Members!

    Looks nice bro, looks like a good 1/2 oz when dried, good job man. I will say this though, that if you would've veg'd for maybe 3 months or longer the yield would be much more. Good job at the TLC, of the plant. It looks like high quality goods bro. If you give it more CO2 the trich's would be...
  3. bigedbowman

    Welcome New Members!

    In reply to your pic, I think she looks great, looks like your fren did a lil over watering but not too bad. A lil TLC and time to dry up a bit she'll be back on track. Did you put any rocks at the bottom of the pot? If it's 100% soil then that would be why the yellowing is a coring. It's...
  4. bigedbowman

    Welcome New Members!

    A bro, just wna say that I would recommend you letting her stay in veg & let her fully grow. She's beautiful man, keep doing like you doing. I used to Veg for 3 months and then Flower a nice 3' or 4' tree. I haven't figured out how to upload old pics of mine but once I do hope you check it...
  5. bigedbowman

    Welcome New Members!

    A bro sounds like you may have over watered and have root damage. You can check if you lift the plant up a lil out of the soil and see brown roots... it'll be just a matter of time before she's gone. Try and make some clones from around some healthier spots. Make sure your temps aren't too high...
  6. bigedbowman

    Welcome New Members!

    I feel ya man, that's what started my conquest 3yrs ago but now I'm so disabled I can't do much anymore. Anywho... remember that the plants getting food through the soil so if you add anything now it'll get root burn and die. So just keep it simple, until it's about 6" tall maybe 4" start it out...
  7. bigedbowman

    Welcome New Members!

    I haven't been able to grow since I became so disabled, but I would recommend to keep your nerves calm and until it's about 6" tall give it only pure water. I would also recommend you get a little fish air pump, a foot of 1/4" tubing, and an air stone keeps the water with high oxygen.When you...