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  1. jr5142

    A New Proposed Federal Marijuana Law...

    No offense taken however I disagree, I did not "ask" to grow, I pursued my right to have a doctor "prescribe" me marijuana for medical reasons. I "choose" to grow my own instead of paying mark-up @ the dispensaries. I've never been harassed, or bothered by law enforcement... (knock on wood)...
  2. jr5142

    A New Proposed Federal Marijuana Law...

    And by the way.. "you should die rignt now" "that would make you very happy"?? Hitler wanted to kill retards as well... Just saying. If the shoe fits maybe your redneck loving ass should wear it. Your post was doomed from the begining. I dont know about everyone else on this board but I plan...
  3. jr5142

    A New Proposed Federal Marijuana Law...

    You sir, are talking out your ass about something you know nothing about. Im a licensed medical patient, as well as a caregiver for two other patients. I find it funny that you think you can judge peoples knowledge based on the amount of "rep" and "posts" they have on a internet forum. My...
  4. jr5142

    first time grower!

    1st off I answered your question, go with the 440cfm fan, I dont really think the other fan will pull enough air to work properly. 2nd I would suggest doing massive research before you start your grow. This website, the internet, and grow books are all good sources. Youll save yourself a ton...
  5. jr5142

    wanted some input on possible setup, new idea for perpetual grow

    cool idea, being that youd be using the space to do twice the amount of plants.. but honestly do you think you will be there to switch them every two hours for the next 60 days? If you throw off the switch by even a couple hours, you risk stressing the plants and possible having them herm out...
  6. jr5142

    first time grower!

    If your going to vent your light, its ALWAYS better to pull than air than to push. I run 6 1000s and i have an 8in 750cfm fan for every 2 lights. But I dont have to worry about bringing in fresh air as I run both AC and a CO2 genni... You could definently get by with the smaller (450cfm) fan...
  7. jr5142

    30 2-3 oz plants under 2000 watts 1 months flower

    I dont know whats up lately, but it seems like every other thread is just full of little pissing matches... KInda counter productive to what this site is suppose to be about. That being said, nice grow monterello. I like what your doing. What kind of CO2 system are you using, and what are...
  8. jr5142

    Haze Harvest - a few pounds of 1200w vertical weed

    lol, anyone can claim pounds.... Pictures or it didn't happen. Prawn has definitely shown us pics of his rather impressive poundage... I'm excited to see pics of yours!
  9. jr5142

    Haze Harvest - a few pounds of 1200w vertical weed

    I first started following this because I was impressed by the results of prawns vertical grow (something that until now I had just viewed as a novelty).. lol now I check in daily to follow the drama and he said she said... Thanks for the laughs I've had while reading these mud slinging contests...
  10. jr5142

    Sealed room with air cooled lights?

    I'm working on dialing in a grow like this, I'm having problems with sucking in cold winter air and getting a ton of condesatikn dripping off my ductwork. (litterally piddling on the ground) I'm going to re-route and pull air from another room in the house, hopefully stopping this. Another thing...
  11. jr5142

    what is this?

    I leave the tops off the water for at least 24hrs, and it is straight spring water. You don't think its too much nutes?
  12. jr5142

    what is this?

    I'm using soiless potting mix. We have really hard water here, so untill I get a filtration system I'm buying gallons from the local grocery store. My ph stays right around 6. I'm using Aqua Vega mix (0-3-4) and (5-0-3) , Sweet and Liquid Karma, Rhizotonic, and B-29. All are used as per...
  13. jr5142

    what is this?

    Noticed this on a couple plants recently.
  14. jr5142

    I502 passed in Washington! A good article on what this law really means for all of us responsible smokers.
  15. jr5142

    I502 passed in Washington!

    Lol I can tell you have not read up on the actual law (502) that was just passed. All 502 really did was create another tool for law enforcement to use against us. Anyone who is a somewhat heavy smoker and gets tested (blood draw) will fail the 5ng/ml limit now being enforced. Even if you hadn't...
  16. jr5142

    do green bulbs really work?

    Thanks for the info, all I'm looking for is a way to see around in the room while the hids are off. Any idea how to take pics while the lights are on without getting that annoying interference (bars running across picture)
  17. jr5142

    green lightbulb in flower room?

    Thanks, I occasionally need to go into my flower room and was planning on using one. Also when taking pics with my cellphone while lights are on, I get annoying bars in my pics... Is there a way to stop this?
  18. jr5142

    do green bulbs really work?

    Sorry didn't mean to post twice (took awhile of my 1st thread to post) how do I delete this one?
  19. jr5142

    do green bulbs really work?

    Is it true you can use a green lightbulb in a flower room while the lights are off and not disrupt the 12/12 light cycle?
  20. jr5142

    Couple of questions.

    Hps bulbs only work on hps ballast and vice versa... Unless you have a switchable ballast (will have a switch to change between hps/mh)