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  1. krishis

    Original Sensible Seed Company Promos...................................

    I was pretty sceptical, but friend of mine used their site and got his seeds in 5 days, so now I`m gonna try them out too, going to post how it goes.
  2. krishis

    Time to harvest?

    It`s been around 45-50 days since beginning of flowering. I`m not using any nutes, since it`s my first grow and i fucked up with the soil (it was too "hot"). Only thing i used was fish meal. Going to upload some pics after 10 days or so. Thanks for advice :)
  3. krishis

    Time to harvest?

    Hey guys, 8 days has passed and i took some photos today to show you. How does it look? P.S. i`m from europe, so i don`t have radio shack anywhere near. cheapest option i can find is around 40 euros. probably going to buy one when next plant flowers, but for now i`m going to rely on your wisdom. :)
  4. krishis

    Time to harvest?

    Hey everybody. I`m a first time grower and i don`t have a magnifier, so i have trouble telling if the plant is ready for harvest. Can`t see any amber trichomes yet, but hair is getting orange. What do you think?
  5. krishis

    Leaves Turning Brown - Drying Up- HELP PLEASE - PICS

    Yes, pH in soil in too high - around 7. What should i do to lower pH in short term?
  6. krishis

    Leaves turning brown and drying out.

    Thanks for advice. So i should transplant my plants to more neutral soil and see how they behave there? Sorry for all the moronic questions, i`m first time grower and everything was going smooth until now, so i`m kind of confused at the moment.
  7. krishis

    Leaves turning brown and drying out.

    I still can`t understand - is it nute burn from soil, mg def or something else. Today flushed all three plants with plain water and if it will progress i`m going to transplant all my plants in different, more natural soil. Added new pic from today, maybe it will help to set a diagnose.
  8. krishis

    Leaves turning brown and drying out.

    The brown dots are appearing on next level leaves as well.
  9. krishis

    Leaves turning brown and drying out.

    Another thing - i have been using the same soil since the beginning (they`re about 1 1/2 month old), but the nute burns appeared only like week ago. Can it be nute burn from soil?
  10. krishis

    Leaves turning brown and drying out.

    Yeah, i believe that it`s great, but it`s pretty impossible to get anything from Fox Farms to eastern part of Europe (without paying ~50$ for shipping). I just found a store that ships Bio Bizz All-Mix to my country. I guess it`s the best soil i can get.
  11. krishis

    Leaves turning brown and drying out.

    The nutes i used has NPK 10-10-10. A friend of mine was using them in his grow, so when i couldn`t find anything else, i bought this one. But now i`m looking for a website which ships dyna-gro liquid grow 7-9-5 to Europe.
  12. krishis

    Leaves turning brown and drying out.

    It can`t be from nutes, because i started using them after one of the leaves died. What kind of soil should i use when i replant my plants?
  13. krishis

    Leaves turning brown and drying out.

    Contents of the soil i used - N-150 P-270 K-300 (mg/l) рН 6,0 – 6,5
  14. krishis

    Leaves turning brown and drying out.

    I have just started using nutes, and the brown dots appeared before i started using them. Can the burns be from the nutes in soil? I used some kind of universal soil. Maybe i should replant my plants in different kind of soil?
  15. krishis

    Leaves turning brown and drying out.

    Hi, A week ago i noticed little brown dots on the first "real" bottom leaves (not the round ones). Afterwards the damaged leaves dries out. Tried adding mg sulfate solution, but i see no changes. Ph level in soil is around 6.9. Maybe you can give me some advice? I added two pics - one, with...
  16. krishis

    Leaves Turning Brown - Drying Up- HELP PLEASE - PICS

    Hi, looks like i`m having the same problem. A week ago i noticed little brown dots on the first "real" bottom leaves (not the round ones). Afterwards the damaged leaves dries out. Tried adding mg sulfate solution, but i see no changes. Maybe you can give me some advice? I added two pics -...