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  1. ArCaned

    Issue with Cookies Kush plant

    I ran 2 cookies kush from barneys a while back, both turned out hermie, 8 other plants in same tent were fine so i doubt it was issues with my setup..
  2. ArCaned

    14 day old sprouts stretching and tipping over.

    600w MH at a foot and a half... they are not stretching for light i would just bury those stems as suggested above
  3. ArCaned

    MEGA DANK SOIL GROW! Scott's or Miracle Grow?

    I have had excellent success with MG.
  4. ArCaned

    canna pk13/14?

    either give 1 strong dose and leave it, or build up gradually with small repeated doses. Like with everything, its personal choice ;)
  5. ArCaned

    canna pk13/14?

    I just feed as a one off plus usual nutes, usually see some small signs of overfeeding on the lowest leaves but max bud growth. Though I do agree it is very strong stuff!
  6. ArCaned

    canna pk13/14?

    yeh let the bubbler get down to 1/4 - 1/8 full, so the roots are exposed to air, then top it up with good strength nutes and boom, buds
  7. ArCaned

    stondest's grow

    very impressive, good job man :D
  8. ArCaned

    stondest's grow

    lovely stuff, bud looks great! what wattage is the grow?
  9. ArCaned

    Hydro: Best way to change water?

    get a small water pump, you can buy them for like £10, put it in the bottom of the dwc bucket and pump it all out :)
  10. ArCaned

    canna pk13/14?

    Best used a few weeks into flower, once the buds have started forming, flush for a few days then let it totally dry out, then feed strong nutes and PK 13/14 and watch the bud explode
  11. ArCaned

    DWC Problems PH PPM unstable I'm looking for some professional help

    Sacrifice more buds to the god of hydro!
  12. ArCaned

    Need advice! landlord is coming by in a few days

    Congrats OP! Happy it worked out for you also! Give them no reason to be slightly suspicious! House must be spotless, no drug related items on display, no bob marley posters etc!
  13. ArCaned

    Sound insulation / reducing the sound of air pumps

    good thread, nice suggestions here. particually like the idea of making a passive intake for the pump housing that draws air from outside the tent that my friend is fking excellent!
  14. ArCaned

    DWC Problems PH PPM unstable I'm looking for some professional help

    I have no clue wtf this issue is, or what the answer might be. That said let me offer some advice that will allow you to quickly and simply grow some buds: Use soil my friend :D the god of hydro clearly hates you!
  15. ArCaned

    How To: DWC

    Thanks Void!
  16. ArCaned

    Need advice! landlord is coming by in a few days

    Thanks for the advice, oh and you got £300,000 spare for me? no? ah, shame that... Thanks everyone. Inspection was success, house was spotless.. literally perfect.. they spent 2 mins looking around then left jobs a good one!
  17. ArCaned

    Need advice! landlord is coming by in a few days

    i got an inspection today also, got 8 beauties upstairs in the loft... smell is sorted, fans off when thye get here but if thye want to look in the loft i am fucked FINGERS CROSSED FELLOW STONERS THIS COULD GET FUCKING UGLY!
  18. ArCaned

    Strong Indoor Sativa

    Very true, but who's after 16 week sativas indoors? For most indoor growers sativa dom hybrids are going to be as close to a real sativa as you can get.
  19. ArCaned

    G13 Pineapple Express

    Er, every different Pheno can smell different, let alone seed genetics or archtypal genetics.