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  1. B

    RE-VEGGED 6 weeks into flower???

    Thanks for the replies.. I work away alot of the time and let the Mrs take care so god knows how it happened! So if I carry on in the flowering stage will I have to let the plant go 8 weeks again or continue from where they left off ie 6 weeks in? Tbe new growth is starting to show bud growth...
  2. B

    RE-VEGGED 6 weeks into flower???

    Hi all, After a bit of advice.. i've messed up big time! I managed to knock my timer back on during night time for about 10 days.. and my plants have went back into veg state, they seem not to have hermied yet but... they look all weird with single leaves and new growth, my queation is what...
  3. B

    2nd grow, 400w hps for angled sidelighting?

    Thanks top fuel! I would love to hang it between but I'm growing in a 1.2 x 1.2 and these bad boys are bushy as.... So no room in between, will the adding more light at anything other than 12/12 matter? My girls are now 7 days into flower and are too bushy already for the tent, do you think I...
  4. B

    2nd grow, 400w hps for angled sidelighting?

    Hi all, As per the the title, I'm on my 2nd grow, same strains as the first - The Widow & Big Bang 2 feminised from Rhino, but this time I'm doing 4 (only 3 the first). My first grow I pulled 22oz dry of the 3 plants, more than pleased, I was shooting for 10! I veggd for 7 weeks under 400w...
  5. B

    HELP.... I think I've got a man in my garden!

    thanks 2easy I'm gonna die from the stress before they're ready lol, I must've spent hundreds of hours staring at them over the last 4 months! Getting toooo much for me :?
  6. B

    HELP.... I think I've got a man in my garden!

    thanks Nizza edit: does the plant look out of the norm or am I being paranoid? had a look for bananas on and between the buds but could see anything in there, so should I chop even though the trichs are still clear, or hang on and harvest with her sister? Don't want to lose the plant first off...
  7. B

    HELP.... I think I've got a man in my garden!

    yeh have checked the tricks they are still clear for the most part, never used neem oil, just feeding with coco a & b up till a few days ago, also using ionic bloom for coco and hit them with pk 13/14 a couple of weeks ago, shit I really hope this sis not a hermie? edit: pic of her sister, had...
  8. B

    HELP.... I think I've got a man in my garden!

    Hi all, New here, we'll first post anyway, I've been trolling around this site for a few months now and it's been invaluable in helping with my 1st grow. I had a problem where my rhino filter fell on 1 of my Big Bang 2 plants from feminized seeds, she had 5 of her branches fold over, I tied...