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  1. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    ok alot of people go by the colors of hairs. so i asume it had evething to do with it. hey im just here to learn. i tlaking about a 30x magnifing glass. iv looked around and have not seen of the strong. what kind of store can i find one at?
  2. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    iv looked it to that but dont know where to buy one at. so in other words are u saying that it can be 40% red and be done if the trics are amber, cloudy?
  3. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    thanks.... think ill be alright letting it go till the 12th week or is that to long or not long enough?
  4. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    cool... so thanks alot for ur help. so i know last night i said i have three tops i dont know what i was thinking. i have four tops its just that the fourth one is really small all the way on the bottom and that one is small with no red hairs on it. i read somewhere that u can cut whats readly...
  5. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    all right i got them on. but there small need to get the pics as big as u can to see the red hairs. i have three tops. the pics are one of each. tbad_01 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  6. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    woww 15 weeks. i going to try and put up the other pics were u can see the red hairs.
  7. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    like i said the pics suck the flash from the cam makes it look all white. i have better pic but i having trouble puting them up. the red hairs are more inside the buds then on the outside.
  8. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    hell ya. tight, sticky and smelly.
  9. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    naaa not even close. id say about 25% of it is red more white then red. how do i know if its over grown. the buds have been geting biger by the day. i have better pic but i cant get them up.
  10. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    ok.. so how much longer u think i should give her. i just feed her two days ago.
  11. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    bagseed... and i dont know
  12. tbad

    is this natural (pic)

    hello anybody and everybody. so iv spent 3 days learning how to upload pic on here. i know that there going to look like shit but it this best i can do right now. so my plant is on its first day of week 10 of 12/12. with in the last 2 weeks the leafs have been turn yellow and falling off but now...
  13. tbad

    help how to upload pics

    thanks alot i got it now. pics to big have to resize. to tired tonight be back tomorrow. but thanks again
  14. tbad

    help how to upload pics

    been here for two hours trying to uploads pics. keeps coming up red X. can anybody help me. Attachments wont work or the insert image. what am i doing wrong.
  15. tbad

    roots coming out bottom

    oh yeah and thanks for the input.
  16. tbad

    roots coming out bottom

    yeah i agree with u there. its just that i didt expect for it to get more than a foot tall and it just took off. so for it being in the flowering stage how will it recover? i really hope it dont go into to much shock and recover fast if at all.
  17. tbad

    roots coming out bottom

    so i got one plant in a one gallon pot. it's at 3 in a half weeks flowering. 3 26 watts soft white cfl's. its stands at about a foot an half. everthing been going good. so just with in this week i notice that it slowed down in growing. so i did some research. found one problem, fix it. so with...
  18. tbad

    how do i pass a drug test on may 29 2008 i just quit now?

    its not a drink. its real piss. for u know it work for sure. the drinking water and cranberry juices i mean has work and still is working for some people. but u got to remember that every body difften in size. so for the larger people it going to take more for it to work, but also THC is not in...
  19. tbad

    how do i pass a drug test on may 29 2008 i just quit now? to ur house in 24 hours. why risk it. all that other shit dont work u be watseing ur time.
  20. tbad

    leafs turning yellow

    no i have't use any nutes yet. but i am planing on puting up some picuters to get some better advice. soon to come.