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  1. G

    Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

    Hey Newbie... I've got a question: Why are you using DHT-11 and LM35 together? Why dont you use the DHT-11 for both (temperature and humidity)? Is the accuracy not good enough? If yes... I found a "DHT-22" today ---> ... Better Accuracy in temperature...
  2. G

    Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

    A list of all Components would be nice :) I now have got ---> Mega 2560, Relay Shield (with 8 Relays), DHT-11, LM35 and a DS1307 (Real Time Clock). Touchscreen I will buy next month. Sensors for pH/EC I don't need at the moment. Anything else I have to buy? :) I read something about an...
  3. G

    Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

    Hey Newbie, thank you for programming this :) I plan to use your program. Why don't you use a step-down transformer like ? With that you could control the LTI fan-speed with relays. It's not...