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  1. littlehorn

    What should i do???

    Its week 5 of flower:)) look this at this pictuere,this is still on going and eating the plants flom below. That tiny little brown spots Fuckin my leaves up
  2. littlehorn

    What should i do???

    Ok so its a little hot yeah but they growth there their entire life,no heat stress no curling nothing,i dont know how to cool it of its from the lights,the pots are 6 liters. Its still happening i had foliar fed them with revive today ill update tomorrow the pics
  3. littlehorn

    What should i do???

    So its week 5 of flowering and its obviously stoping growth and buds are not fattening,i have a runnoff of 6.0. I bought the revive supliment from advanced nutrients used it hopefully ill see some effects,waiting for manganesse pills too,ill do anything to save this crop
  4. littlehorn

    What should i do???

    Spreading too fast ill try to do what you said
  5. littlehorn

    What should i do???

    Now im fucking sure that is manganesse ive researched it and it makes sense,if you feed with too much mg it will lock the mn and if you feed with too much mn you will lock iron and thats what i basicly did i am sure i gave too much mg and now mn is on my nerves
  6. littlehorn

    What should i do???

    Ok,so its not like its hard to find anything propper to grow in my country,but its also extreamly illegal,so i growed up very caucious about weed and i will not trust any one with anything on web,exept advice. No hard feelingz bro
  7. littlehorn

    What should i do???

    I know what littlehorn means. Thanks alot i orded it and i just hope that it will deliver fast so i can save my girls. Running against time
  8. littlehorn

    What should i do???

    I found like liquid form,is it ok like that? And what dosage ,1ml/l?
  9. littlehorn

    What should i do???

    And,as backup plan,couse i live in a forgotten country and i am really sure i am not gonna find manganese chelelate pills at local drugs stores. What to use if its impossible to find,epsom salts was almost imposssible to find:))
  10. littlehorn

    What should i do???

    Ok so i did this some weeks back when i just watered them with 6.5 water,runoff 5,8.Now my nute compost is like 6,1 ph and my soil is a cannaterra pro mix with peatmoss so the recomanded ph is 6-6,3
  11. littlehorn

    What should i do???

    All of them showing yellowing ,brown dots,and drying eventually every single leaf that is a little sick dies. Week 4 flowering useing bio bizz pack included bio heaven and top max,ph 6.1,im at full dosage with nutes and useing them every watering,once at 3 days when i see the need. 32C 600w hps...
  12. littlehorn

    Wtf is this

    Yo i guess you are right and might work with your advice...i have almost the same problem and posted a thread. We should do that and let ya know if its ok
  13. littlehorn

    Nute burn ? No nutes added, canna terra pro

    Yo thx alot,can you detail more about that seaweed couse where i live i cant find fancy nutrients
  14. littlehorn

    Nute burn ? No nutes added, canna terra pro

    So day 14 on this jack herer and i dont know what is happening on these leaves,added water 6,5 with only 1ml/2l root juice,soil canna terra pro,32C 600w hps week 3 of veg,the stains are also on the other plants Same shit manifest on blueberry too but not that hardcore same medium
  15. littlehorn

    Brownish dried stain wtf

    I measured the water runoff ph and its 5.8.its my first time measuring the runof so im not really sure what is supposed to be...
  16. littlehorn

    Brownish dried stain wtf

    Didn't do that. I never watered with nutes,happened over night,didn't even watered that night
  17. littlehorn

    Brownish dried stain wtf

    From the soil maybe but its a problem,how can i fix it if its gonna spread
  18. littlehorn

    Brownish dried stain wtf

    Ok so this happened over night its crazy, the other plants have signs of this too what could be? Day12 jack herrer 6pots under 600w hps 35C,no ferts only root boost,water 6,5 ,soil canna terra pro,fan constantly blowing,
  19. littlehorn

    I need help with my buds

    Its northern by nirvana seeds and kalashnikova by greenhouse the thing is i never growed autos and they told me precisely that they have a deadline:))