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  1. aurora stardust

    Mrs. Rare Dankness

    Thank you for that prompt reply. Mine was a bit tardy. I appreciate you helping me to pick a strain. This will be on my list of Sativas to grow...
  2. aurora stardust

    Mrs. Rare Dankness

    Thanks for the reply! I'll consider all of that, and if I still can't decide, then maybe i should get all 3! :p Oh, what would tip the scales for me is a strain that's really good with music, listening or making... Does one come to mind immediately? Hahaha! Thanks for the tip. How would you...
  3. aurora stardust

    Mrs. Rare Dankness

    Hi Mrs. Rare Dankness, nice to meet you. :) After reading your post, I have been doing quite a bit of research the past couple of weeks on your Sativa strains. But I still cannot pick a favourite. I live in the tropics and I love my Sativas. Would you mind helping me pick one from your stable...
  4. aurora stardust

    Smoking Bud + Wanking At The Same Time!!

    That's exactly what I thought... But maybe in minute doses it'll be possible.
  5. aurora stardust

    Smoking Bud + Wanking At The Same Time!!

    Hahaha! I hope he is wholly well too...
  6. aurora stardust

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Thanks again k0ijn. The information you've put together, as well as the advice you gave, were very helpful for the flowering period. I want you to know how truly appreciative I am. Your kind words about my humble first grow are also very encouraging. :) I will be curing for a while. Every...
  7. aurora stardust

    Smoking Bud + Wanking At The Same Time!!

    Where did Stelthy go? I want this thread to stay alive!! :D
  8. aurora stardust

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Yes, I have. I didn't want to let them get too dry before the cure. They are now curing in a few glass jars. Love having a whiff each time I air the jars. The harvest was a very light 31g dry. :P Everything else is wonderful though. Aroma, flavour, smoothness, and potency.
  9. aurora stardust

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    I think it is... Since it's so humid here (60-82%, with temperatures of 26-32C), I think I might let it dry 8-10 days without it getting too dry for curing. That's another 1-3 days more. What do you think? Is that too much or should I let it dry even longer?
  10. aurora stardust

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Thanks k0ijn. The initial high humidity was due to the harvest being fresh. The humidity has been dropping steadily every day, and now it's about the low 60s in the day time and high 60s in the night. It's pretty much the same as the rest of the room at the moment. I think this means it's almost...
  11. aurora stardust

    2012 aussie outdoor

    Cheers... Yeah, they do grow well anywhere, from lush jungles to higher altitude mountainsides. They were meant to exist! :P All the best with your illegal grow! Enjoy it!
  12. aurora stardust

    Urgent!! Daylight approaches... Harvest now?!

    The box is currently in my room. I thought the small holes would be enough to allow air to flow and ventilation to exist. My room has a ceiling fan, which I only use at low, just to get air to circulate in my room. A gentle breeze. RH in the box is currently high, in the mid-80s. Here's...
  13. aurora stardust

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Okay, understood. The box is currently in my room. I thought the small holes would be enough to allow air to flow and ventilation to exist. My room has a ceiling fan, which I only use at low, just to get air to circulate in my room. A gentle breeze. RH in the box is currently high, in the...
  14. aurora stardust

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Thanks! :D I did shower the whole harvest, bit by bit, to try and get rid of the mites as much as possible. Then I let it dry up in the open for an hour before putting them into the drying box. I do have holes in the box, at the upper sides and lower sides. You can see from the photo. I didn't...
  15. aurora stardust

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    k0ijn, I harvest most of the plant this morning. I only left the immature flowers, and 2 colas which didn't seem as ripe yet. Thank you very much for taking the time to guide me through the flowering stage. Appreciate it very much! :)
  16. aurora stardust

    Urgent!! Daylight approaches... Harvest now?!

    So, yes, my girl has mostly been harvested. Thank you everyone who chimed in and shared from their experiences. Looking forward to more green days ahead! ;)
  17. aurora stardust

    Mites while curing/drying

    Thanks for the advice. In the end, I chose to gently shower the harvest. A suggestion I received was to put it under running tap water. I guess a shower would be very similar.
  18. aurora stardust

    Urgent!! Daylight approaches... Harvest now?!

    Yes, I gathered as much. I guess I wasn't sure if my strain was one of those. Thanks for taking the time to help out. :)
  19. aurora stardust

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks for the reply. I will get right to it... just before first light.
  20. aurora stardust

    Urgent!! Daylight approaches... Harvest now?!

    *hahaha* Don't call my baby that! Thanks for replying. I'm not going for amber at all. It's just that she seems to still be producing more than there is degradation, so I'm just wondering if I should let her continue. But yeah, the jury is out... it's harvest time.