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  1. G

    Is vertical all it's cracked up to be?

    Best I've done is 13.5 from 6000w...SOG grow and I vegg'd longer then normal. Peep this thread, 2.5-3lb per 1000w...
  2. G

    Is vertical all it's cracked up to be?

    I've only been in the business for a year or two and I have witnessed 3 units per 1k in a SOIL SOG, personally. If that is achievable then Heath Robinson's grows are more then doable.
  3. G

    distance from bare bulb?

    beenthere, this setup is exacly what I am trying to wrap my head around and am working on my next room. I just joined to ask you a few questions but I can't privately message you yet. Can you message me?