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  1. G

    light of jah sounds wicked!

    anyone had any experience with this strain? if so where ya get it? im currently growing big bud from hemcy seed co and would mos def reccomend it as far as yields go! but would love to try growing this light of jah strain Description : Light of Jah is undoubtedly one of the best types of...
  2. G

    whos bought from

    anyone brought from here yet as they have been around for over a year?
  3. G

    Cutting top Cola

    do you get much extra growth in the buds after you remove the cola and lower the lights? i also have read somewhere about the window of oppertunity, is the only way of telling by checking the little hairs color? totally agree with the day out fishing with mates and a few fattys! sublime...
  4. G

    big bud strain

    thanks heaps dude, didn't know about the digi meter, thats cheap! will def grab one of them :mrgreen:
  5. G

    big bud strain

    hey everyone :) iv got some big bud growing but all the leaves are wilting? they where all grown from seeds i got from hemcy seed co. and are 5 weeks from germination. i have them in potting mix, does it look like over watering or over fertilizing? also have some yellowish areas developing on...