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  1. Hashiguru

    Help! I nute burnt my plant

    Right now it just has white dry wall but I would like to put a 2x4 grow tent in my closet ( I took everything out ) but they are so damn expensive I think I'm going to make my own one. My hydro store has a big sheet of the stuff the grow tents are made of for 10 bucks prolly just make mine I...
  2. Hashiguru

    Help! I nute burnt my plant

    gotcha any tips on how to add light without buying more lights? I have a 600 HPS I've heard aluminum foil on the walls work also the bottom of pepsi cans to help reflect the light right on the buds. I was gonna do this but was afraid that much light would damage the buds. So the buds need as...
  3. Hashiguru

    Help! I nute burnt my plant

    gotcha for my next grow I'm going to leave everything on. Now does the light affect the buds? Cause I thought pulling off leaves was good during flowering because I thought the big fan leaves were blocking the buds and all there little leaves? Should the buds be in the light or hidden?
  4. Hashiguru

    Help! I nute burnt my plant

    Thanks guys! I was tripping I was about to cut it thinking I was gonna loose all my buds. It's my first grow gotta mess up to learn I guess :) I'm going to flush it again and let it sit. So leave the fan leaves on? I pulled them all off when I got into budding my friend told me they needed to go...
  5. Hashiguru

    Help! I nute burnt my plant

    So I've posting a couple of pics and posts already seeing if I could fix my problem. I have a blue venom plant about 8 weeks in flowering. I know I messed up and gave it to much nutrients so I flushed it a week and a half ago but now the plant is still dying and not taking water. The tri's arn't...
  6. Hashiguru

    Just wondering how many more days I have?

    Thanks for all the replys, yeah I defiantly nute burned them. Never gonna get it right the first time but next time I know! I'm thinking about going another 2 weeks I have to go on vacaction in a week so I'll just let them sit while I'm gone and ripen up. I flushed the blue venom but it keeps on...
  7. Hashiguru

    Just wondering how many more days I have?

    Just wondering how many days I have left. These are PlatOG and BlueVenom at day 53 of flowering. It's my first indoor grow so I have no idea how to tell. Thanks!
  8. Hashiguru

    Curing Weed For 1 Yr???

    Just wondering if bud would increase in taste if you cured it for a year? I've heard the longer you do it the better it gets but what if you do it for really long? Would it go bad and am I just wasting my time and should I just smoke it after 5 weeks?
  9. Hashiguru

    Tips on Holland Secret Nutrients and 600w HPS SUNLEAVES Ballast and Maxlume Bulb

    Just wondering if anyone had any tips or information on the Holland Secret Nutrients or had the same set up I do. I just started growing have 2 girls 6 weeks into flowering. Any tips or anything would help I'm new but I want to learn all the tricks and trades ;-) Thanks!
  10. Hashiguru

    Blue Venom Plant dying 6 weeks flowering Whats Wrong?

    AIGHT thanks hope she can battle it until she's ready !
  11. Hashiguru

    Blue Venom Plant dying 6 weeks flowering Whats Wrong?

    Also should I continue feeding with water till I harvest or add a little bit of nutrients then flush a week before ?
  12. Hashiguru

    Blue Venom Plant dying 6 weeks flowering Whats Wrong?

    She's pretty small and taking in water slowly, I was using tap water at first but then i bought some distilled water. I gave her that distilled water yesterday the trichs are mostly cloudy with a couple of amber ones so shes looking ok not as bad as I thought she would I pulled off all the dead...
  13. Hashiguru

    Blue Venom Plant dying 6 weeks flowering Whats Wrong?

    Damn it's probably burnt shes got about 2 weeks left should I continue just water from now on or add A LITTLE bit of nutes then flush again? Thanks Guys!
  14. Hashiguru

    Blue Venom Plant dying 6 weeks flowering Whats Wrong?

    No I flushed it about a week and a half after I noticed the leaves dying, I thought it was supposed to happen cause it was the fan leaves at first then the bud leaves started dying left and right. If it is nute burn will the bud still be ok? I messed up I've been using Holland Secret Nutrients...
  15. Hashiguru

    Blue Venom Plant dying 6 weeks flowering Whats Wrong?

    I posted this thread already in the newbie section but figured it would get more views here. It's my first grow indoors under a 600 HPS. The blue venom plant has been dying (pics included) for about 2 weeks now. It started with the fan leaves now moved to the bud leaves I need to fix this before...
  16. Hashiguru

    6 weeks into flowering Whats Going Wrong!? Help!

    My bad I was lazy the first time
  17. Hashiguru

    How much water to give transplanted seedling in 2g pot

    I'm a new grower but I would say just pour a little bit so the roots don't get overwhelmed on day one in there new home So yeah i'd say about 12 ozs...that's what I did to my little babies then water a little bit more each time I just made sure they dried out before I gave them water and they...
  18. Hashiguru


    If I were you I would just your seeds and just veg them and right before they flower just sell them. People love buying plants that are already passed the veg stage! Saves you time and you don't loose money :)
  19. Hashiguru

    6 weeks into flowering Whats Going Wrong!? Help!

    I attatched some photos off my Blue Venom. It is 6 weeks into flowering and for the last 2 weeks every leaf has been dying. It started with the fan leafs then moved to the bud leafs. The buds are still looking good for the moment but pretty soon every leaf will be dead. I have it under a 600...
  20. Hashiguru

    Info on Metal Halide 400 Watt Lights

    I just got some clones and a MH 400 W light. I have two plants and am growing in my spare closet. I've never grown indoors before only outdoors, I need some help on how to set up the lights and everything. How high do I keep the light from the plants and what light cycle should I be using for...