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  1. R

    My plants look all spindley???

    K let me wait till sunrise then k, I'm not sure if maybe the time is now to drop them into the ground from the 10" pots?
  2. R

    My plants look all spindley???

    I'm trying to get some soon for you I just don't like to be obvious taking pictures of a tomato patch seems kind of mysterious, anyways it rained here nearly everyday I was gone
  3. R

    My plants look all spindley???

    So I was just on a trip to NY for a few days and I get back and like half of my garden (around 8 plants) are all spindley and droopy, so I'm like WTF? Anyways they are all of some sort of dro strain, bag-seed from an old friend, started in early April, all around 5 ft. tall in Miracle Gro...
  4. R

    wtf a mushroom

    eat it dude
  5. R

    Outdoor Yeilds?

    Yes about a QP usually
  6. R

    Few Questions on 2nd Grow

    So I'm into the 12th week here and my babies are roughly 3-4 feet, my friend says we need to drop them into the ground now or into much bigger pots but I think they should be just fine in the current 12" pots we have them in any input and further advice on what to do now?
  7. R


    I cut all my males down when I noticed the seeds developing, they were around 3ft tall did I do the right thing?