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  1. J

    sc stand up!!!

    Guys and girls this forum is being started for all people in the carolinas to stay in touch and get to no one another this is the only place i cant find what strand of weed i like to smoke everyone says i got some loud and dont no what indica /sativa is wtf lol. lets change this and help one...
  2. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    and would i only need one hps 250 to grow my plants?
  3. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    so off the cfls on sweet tooth strand how much yeild you think compared to hps? and thanks for all your help bro
  4. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    well hps are alot on eletricity right?
  5. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i thoght the bulbs had to be sideways ? and i thoght i need a reflector? i cant wait to get this started!!!
  6. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    does any one got a cool picture of 8 cfl bulbs setup?
  7. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hey guys 30 inches by 20 inches of space how many 42 watt bulbs acurately will i need the whole x by this divide by that dont work for me i suck at math can one of you math it up for me lol?
  8. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    my dad came over here before i was born. i wish i was there!
  9. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i guess were just that desperate in sc lol
  10. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    send me some bud lol
  11. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    no one has indica weed everyone has reggies i live in sc now!
  12. J

    where to get clones

    whats the dispensery?
  13. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    well i thought you get faster crop from autos? and i want to some now but no one around here has shit..
  14. J

    Bio Canna nutes and Soil questions.

    hey guys whats better cyco or fax farm trio?
  15. J

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    what does anyone no about sweet tooth autos?
  16. J

    where to get clones

    I have no buddies growing and i live in south carolina where do i get clones?
  17. J

    There is heat sensing equipment which can detect the unusual amount of energy

    i am a newbie thats why i did it cause i dint no no better i apoligize .
  18. J

    There is heat sensing equipment which can detect the unusual amount of energy

    @polyarcturus may i ask why you r such a cunt?
  19. J

    There is heat sensing equipment which can detect the unusual amount of energy

    yo guys i have not started even growing yet i was just wondering cause i heard that they have those heat gun things im a first time grower come down!!! i just need to no how to make sure that dont happen if thats true?
  20. J

    There is heat sensing equipment which can detect the unusual amount of energy

    Will they be able to see 12 42 watt cfl light going in my cabinet and if so how do i protect that from hapening?