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  1. maverick_25thhr

    plants are struggling

    I'm pretty new to growing as well, but Iv'e read enough threads on this site and as well as how well my plants are doing and that fresh air definitely makes a difference. I open my closet door and give em' 6 to 8 yrs of fresh air a day. Can't afford the fans, rewire and all. Opening the window...
  2. maverick_25thhr

    Plant Food

    Got a few questions. Ok, this is what I got. Bought some all pupose plant food. 24-8-16. I have 7 plants. 17 days old. How much of this stuff do I put in the water? Please don't say 1 part to 2 parts water or whatever. Confuses me. Just let me know how many teaspoons to how many cups of water...
  3. maverick_25thhr

    plants are struggling

    They look like they are doing ok to me. Still very young give em' some time.
  4. maverick_25thhr

    Plant Food

    Well i went and got some plant food, only when I got there I forgot which 3 #'s to get. The one I got is All Purpose plant food, 20-8-16. My plants are 14 days old. Can I use this? And How much?
  5. maverick_25thhr

    Plant Food Spikes

    Does anyone recommend or not recommend Plant Food Spikes?
  6. maverick_25thhr

    Grow Room / Any Advice?

    I keep trying to attach my pics, but for some reason it won't let me. Going to try again, but they are in my Gallery. So how does things look so far? My plants are now 2 weeks old. The grow room is 5x4 and 7 ft high? The lighting is 2 G.E. fluorescent 40 wt bulbs. Light output of 3050 lumes and...
  7. maverick_25thhr

    Grow Room / Any Advice?

    I keep trying to attach my pics, but for some reason it won't let me. Going to try again, but they are in my Gallery. So how does things look so far? My plants are now 2 weeks old. The grow room is 5x4 and 7 ft high? The lighting is 2 G.E. fluorescent 40 wt bulbs. Light output of 3050 lumes and...
  8. maverick_25thhr

    3 Word Story

    All the sudden
  9. maverick_25thhr

    My Set Up / Any Advice?

    I keep trying to attach my pics, but for some reason it won't let me. Going to try again, but they are in my Gallery. So how does things look so far? My plants are now 2 weeks old. The grow room is 5x4 and 7 ft high? The lighting is 2 G.E. fluorescent 40 wt bulbs. Light output of 3050 lumes and...
  10. maverick_25thhr

    14 days and 24 days

    How come my plants are only 2 to 3 inches with 2 to 4 leaves after 12 days(see my Gallery) and this guys looks like his does after 24 days?(see attached pic of the "other guys" plant) Are my plants going to go through some kind of rapid growth in the next two weeks?
  11. maverick_25thhr

    My Grow Room / Any advice?

    I keep trying to attach my pics, but for some reason it won't let me. Going to try again, but they are in my Gallery. So how does things look so far? My plants are now 2 weeks old. The grow room is 5x4 and 7 ft high? The lighting is 2 G.E. fluorescent 40 wt bulbs. Light output of 3050 lumes and...
  12. maverick_25thhr


    What is the ideal humidity % to keep my grow room? I have a humidifier that is set on a timer and a digital temperature/humidity gauge, so I can regulate the humidity pretty precisely. I may not need this, but if the humidity level in the air can help my plants grow better the better. Current...
  13. maverick_25thhr


    What is flowering? and When do I do it to my plants? For how long? What lighting etc. etc. Please be specific, cause I am a NEW NEW NEWbie.
  14. maverick_25thhr


    Im using a shop light with 2 40 watt bulbs each with a light output of 3050 lumes and a color temp of 6500k each. My girls are only 2 weeks old, Is this enough and or good enough lighting?
  15. maverick_25thhr

    Help! Dilemma!

    The leaves are'nt the whole satlks and all on two of them. Do you know how small or big they have to be for their own pots?
  16. maverick_25thhr

    Help! Dilemma!

    Ok let first start off by pointing out the obvious, as I'm sure you will see as I move on, this is my first grow. First pic is a pic of my grow room. It's in my closet. I have a digital thermometer, the high has been @ 80 and the low @ 67. It stays on average @ 76-80. The humidity had a high 57%...