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  1. TikiHutCrew420

    LST grow what shoul di expect to yield....

    ...... lemme know let me know ur light situation nute situation average yield per plant and how far u wrap the plant around the bowl of how long your main stem is or how many tops you have per plant you know what better yet post some pics and the average amount dry weight per plant please
  2. TikiHutCrew420

    ATTEN: ALL ScROG GROWERS (and al others that are curious)

    yeah zip means oz where i came from in the states thats what we called them sometimes too so does the general thought that LST and ScrOG are basically identical in yield only differnece in the matter is the use of the Screen?
  3. TikiHutCrew420

    ATTEN: ALL ScROG GROWERS (and al others that are curious)

    per plant how much did u yeild per plant?
  4. TikiHutCrew420

    ATTEN: ALL ScROG GROWERS (and al others that are curious)

    :leaf:I just completed reading The Cannabis Grow Bible : The Definitive Guide to Growing Cannabis for Recreational and Medical Use. This book is excelent might I add for anyone just wanting to read this thread. First time growers or even seasoned ones will learn something from this book its a...
  5. TikiHutCrew420

    ventilation questions

    yes it was and ty for all ur help +rep
  6. TikiHutCrew420

    ventilation questions

    alright bout how much ground space does a 1000w hps in a 6" inline air cooled hood allow like how much floor space?
  7. TikiHutCrew420

    ventilation questions

    what if i was using an umbrella style hood? what should i do in that case?
  8. TikiHutCrew420

    ventilation questions

    ah true that would make sense now wouldnt it =D i wasnt really thinkin lastnight when i posted that but thanks for the advice ill deff be doing that fo sho
  9. TikiHutCrew420

    Mag probelm? True Aero setup

    hey al i have a few questions for u about your every 2 week harvest plan i would message them to u but u dont allow that so how may i ask u these questions
  10. TikiHutCrew420

    HPS + CFLs = good? let me know

    ty so much
  11. TikiHutCrew420

    HPS + CFLs = good? let me know

    i am upgrading from an all CFL grow set up to a 1000w HPS/MH set up and i was wondering if i use the CFLs (i have now around 13,000 lumen total in CFLs) will that be tomuch light or will the extra lights help out like for side angles and such\ all help is welcome please and thank you and burn...
  12. TikiHutCrew420

    ventilation questions

    i plan on getting a 1000w HPS/MH lighting system from my local hydro store and i want to have all my math worked out before i install so i thought i might as well do that befoer i buy it so a few questions came up with ventilation currently i am unsure of my grow room dimentions at the current...
  13. TikiHutCrew420

    yellowing leaves (no nutes) then falling off

    oh nice Untold thanks for the info +rep big help to make me understand a lil more
  14. TikiHutCrew420

    yellowing leaves (no nutes) then falling off

    but it almost looks like its morkin its way up my buds but it seems to only be my big fan leaves but wouldnt that lower my ability to use the light in photosynthesis effectivly?
  15. TikiHutCrew420

    yellowing leaves (no nutes) then falling off

    i have recently noticed that on my plant on all of the kolas i have about 12/plant (i went with the LST method) all the leaves starting at the bottom started to yellow not wither tho and then just drop off. im not using any nutes at all as for this time im jus practicing for my large grow after...
  16. TikiHutCrew420

    Bugs!!!!! please HELP

    awesome ty so much GT now what if at this moment i cant get sand cause its420 in the morning here? what is my time frame?
  17. TikiHutCrew420

    Bugs!!!!! please HELP

    ty very much GrowTech any other inputs?! obviously bag soil and nothing else Should i compact the soil???
  18. TikiHutCrew420

    Bugs!!!!! please HELP

    they are very tiny but from what i can see they have wings very tiny so its hard to tell
  19. TikiHutCrew420

    Bugs!!!!! please HELP

    i just went to water my plant today and noticed that there was a lil white dot screwin around the dirt of my plant?!?! my heart sunk indepth further analysis there are tons living in the soil none seem to be on my plant YET! they are very tini and they were hopping around when i watered the...
  20. TikiHutCrew420

    My lst plant

    ill get pics up asap i have been lacking but i will