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    MedicGrow Fold 8 760w Samsung Diodes 8 bar fixture? $589 US shipped free, BETTER DEAL THAN MEIJIU BAR LIGHTS!?

    I received my Spectrum X today. This light is gorgeous :) Thank You MedicGrow !
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    Wow Obama is something special

    Cubans Vote Trump – Obama Bans Cubans…
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    What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..

    The decorative icing on the cake was offensive and even less enticing and palatable than the corrupt and rotten ingredients used to bake it.
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    States That Raised Their Minimum Wages Are Experiencing Faster Job Growth

    Much of the recent hiring is driven by incentives created by The affordable care act. It establishes 30 hours as full time. Companies with 50+ employees have reacted to ACA's incentives, by reducing hours per individual. So instead of hiring two persons @ 33 hours each they hire three @22...
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    Obama now negotiates with terrorists

    Plenty to exploit there. There is plenty of opium Rare metals surveyed by the DOD China has mineral contracts...
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    You libertarians happy you voted in Obama?

    Correct. Without EBT spending retail sales would be depressed. It even...
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    Libertarians and Tea Party Patriots are completely and totally correct!

    One has to be willing and able to buy goods and services. "Willing to" alone is not enough.
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    rand paul wants to continue the drug war

    Private/political revolving whores, secrecy, snake oil salesmen and a misinformed and ignorant public. A recipe for disaster.
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    Assuming this was possible, this would be ACC. Maybe better to call it Deliberate Climate Change DCC.
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    In the classroom: The demeanor, actions and lack of action of Puppet Bush and his supporting services on 9/11 is what suggested to me that all is not what is said to be.
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    say goodbye to net-neutrality

    The Supreme court and FCC are just two of the tools in the puppets' and whores' cabinet. Each desperate action is revealing more and more the true nature of the system and where we are headed.
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    Bill Nye owns Heritage retard on climate change

    Some body else sounds desperate. Wondery why ? Can not be money can it ? Follow the lost monetary opportunity.
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    Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated

    Intelligence. :) IMO most left/right party militants are less intelligent as a result of being blinded by partisan rhetoric and rivalry.
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    Solar Energy is going to take over. There I said it.

    Cool design. It looks nice too. "German architect André Broessel, of Rawlemon, has looked into his crystal ball and seen the future of renewable energy. In this case it’s a spherical sun-tracking solar energy-generating globe — essentially a giant glass marble on a robotic steel frame. But this...
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    gmos, and im the luddite?

    "The technology of insect-resistant transgenic plants is expanding very rapidly, with considerable research activity in both the private and public sectors. The only commercialized insect-resistant transgenic plants to date express genes derived from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, but a...
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    Rasmussen: Americans Disillusioned By Both Political Parties

    John Adams said: There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our...
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    Rasmussen: Americans Disillusioned By Both Political Parties

    There are some among us that serve to keep us in-fighting, polarized and running the threadmill.