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  1. Matt P.

    looking for underground originals Blues!

    Can't seem to find anyone that sells them anymore. And the 1 or 2 seed banks that do have them don't ship to the united states. Anyone know of where to find some Blues beans? Looking for that super stinky!
  2. Matt P.

    plants are to bushy. whats the right way to trim to get light all the way threw.

    Ya 1000w digilux, 5 gallon smart pots and none of the branches or leaves touch. Plenty of room. And I think the two strains I took pics are 818 headband and red cherry berry
  3. Matt P.

    plants are to bushy. whats the right way to trim to get light all the way threw.

    Thinking lolly popping would work best for me. I think. Lol. Anyone have any input? I need to do something about my yield. I should be getting more that 2 oz from a plant.thanks for any input.
  4. Matt P.

    plants are to bushy. whats the right way to trim to get light all the way threw.

    I will tomorrow. I think I might experiment on my next grow and lolly pop. Idk yet though
  5. Matt P.

    plants are to bushy. whats the right way to trim to get light all the way threw.

    My plants are super thick and dense. I think it cutting my yield down and not getting light to bottom buds. What can I do and what style of trimming works the best??
  6. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    Just feed them heavy feeding. I'll see what that does
  7. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    From now on I'm gonna probably do what your doing with the heavy feeding in bloom. Oh ya almost forgot I do run the kool bloom to.
  8. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    I did look on the bottle and you are right. I've been feeding the the light feeding this whole time. Son of a bit@#!!
  9. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    This is what I'm doing. Except putting 1 ml of floralishish in there to
  10. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    I agree. Can't figure these damn things out.
  11. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    Just took this 5 mins ago. Are they turning yellow and dieing because there using all the nutes for flowering?
  12. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    There all turning yellow and then brown and curling up and falling off.I'm using 1000w. I'm using the feeding schedule that was in the pamphlet I got in the grow store when I bought my nutes
  13. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    I tried that and the plants are the same
  14. Matt P.

    looking for CannaVenture JazzBerry Jam seeds. (Purple Koolaid Pheno)

    Anyone know where I can get CannaVenture JazzBerry Jam seeds. Really want to try to find a grape Koolaid pheno. Thank you
  15. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    Here's a update as of now. There getting worse. I know its under ups but do you have a for sure what it is? Might be combination ofthings idk.
  16. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    Ya I wish I could put more time in it but now its a hobby that I really get into. Do you have suggestions for the most flavorful indica's?
  17. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    Wow didn't think this thread would start a fight. Lol. Anyway I'm only here to learn and fix my problems and grow better medicine for me and my patients. Back to the subject at hand. Ya i trans plant 1 time. From small dixy cups right into 5 gal pots. And I thought it was better that way so it...
  18. Matt P.

    whats wrong with my plant?

    Think its better to put it on top of the soil or put it in water and water with it?