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  1. L


    Pleased to meet you, Bosca. I'll confess, I'm brand new to this website and really haven't figured it out. I started using a vaporizer a couple of months ago. I was a heavy pipe smoker. The difference was amazing and almost overnight! No more hacking up nasty stuff. No more of that turn-off...
  2. L

    BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008

    Old fart indeed!! I'm 57 and have been toking a decade longer than you - so there! Actually, I've got to start figuring out how to use, so I thought I'd begin - at the beginning. I've got a few Green Crack seeds I got with an 1/8th last month and I've also got a couple of...
  3. L

    Welcome New Members!

    So here I am - desperate to hang in there. As for an intro - I'm 57; a retired Teamster. I'm very pro-union. a Yankee bleeding-heart liberal. Just got "legal" and started using a vaporizer a couple of months ago. I'm interested in putting some seeds in the ground and would like to some info on...