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  1. moomoocow

    I Can't get High off this shit!

    Thanks a lot for everyone trying to help. Glad to see the friendliest stoners on the internet here. I really appreciate that. :-) Anyway, yea... It's nearly impossible to come across any high grade around here. Actually, the only thing you can find is the shittiest shwag ever. People around...
  2. moomoocow

    I Can't get High off this shit!

    Yea, high. I am forced to smoke shitty weed cuzz I live in Louisiana. So Ive been smoking it for so long, so much.... I cant get high off of it anymore. Bought a vaporizer, in hopes of making it better, but nah. not really. Any tips on the vaporizer? Like temps and holding tips? Maybe tips...
  3. moomoocow

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Shit, you don't need a basement. You could use a small closet. I don't have a basement and I'm doing fine. All the info you'll ever need about growing is right here. That's how I did it. lol. :mrgreen: I'm guessing all of the good weed is in New Orleans? Maybe I'll have to take a vacation... lol
  4. moomoocow

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    exactly my point.
  5. moomoocow

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Yea, I knew I wasn't alone and as soon as I posted SOME people would know what I was talking about. lol. And yes. I would say about 1 in every 8 ounces I get are pretty good. And I get them from several different people. So I'm like... "Does this shit all come from the same place?" haha. But...
  6. moomoocow

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Amen. I was sure anyone that lived around here would know exactly what I'm talking about. lol. Yea, you smoke it and then automatically come down with a headache. How enjoyable, right? I used to get some pretty good smoke from a certain college town.... but that shit got bad. HOWEVER.... i do...
  7. moomoocow

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    I live in Northern Louisiana.... and I pay like 50$ for an ounce of the shittiest weed that you will ever smoke. And It comes from black people in apartments. and it sucks. a whole lot. The characteristics of this marijuana include: very dry Lots of seeds and stems. Brownish/dark green very...
  8. moomoocow

    Help Appreciated! Nutrient Deficiency?

    Oh, okay. Well here are the pics. Please help. Thanks. :)
  9. moomoocow

    Help Appreciated! Nutrient Deficiency?

    Nice grow man. And yea, I'm having good results from MG too. Just some sort of deficiency? Also, I posted pics in the thread i posted. I can see them. Can you not? If not, I guess I'll post more? Thanks for the reply
  10. moomoocow

    Help Appreciated! Nutrient Deficiency?

    Hi Everyone! :) This is my 1st post, however I'm not new to this forum. I have learned a lot of very useful things here, as well as the seemorebuds books/dvds. Anyway, down to the point.. My 6 plants planted in soil (MG Organic) are about 2 and a half weeks old at the moment. 10 42watt cfls...
  11. moomoocow

    Help Appreciated! Nutrient Problem?

    Hi All. This is my 1st post on the forum, but I am definitely not new. lol. I have learned much of my growing from this forum and the SeeMoreBuds books/dvds. Anyway.... down to the important stuff. I started 6 seeds (Bagseed) in an extra room in my house about 2 and a half weeks ago...