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  1. Pitraptor

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Never tried for 4 before but now that you mention it it seems the obvious choice, unless your vertically challenged. Also your explaination of the hormone response was excellent and easy to understand. Thanks, my girls are gonna love ya and +rep!
  2. Pitraptor

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    No, I haven't used the deluxe version, but the extra height would certainly help you plant more than lowryder 1 & 2.
  3. Pitraptor

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    basically you buy the aerogarden and it comes with pre seeded pods. You push the rockwool cubes out of the inside of the grow plugs, ditch the pre-seeded seed, put your cannabis seeds in then put the rockwool cube back in the seed plug. Stick the re-seeded seed plugs in the aerogarden pod holes...
  4. Pitraptor

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    I'm liking the aerogarden, with careful control my plants aren't outgrowing my machine and with the sensiseal formula off youtube my plants are looking frosty as heck and theyre only just gearing up to go into bloom!
  5. Pitraptor

    Can I use a 100 watt Hallogen bulb to grow?

    I've already read the grow faq several times, but the tips it has are pretty darned useful and it never hurts to re-read it, heck I can't stop reading it in my freetime just because it has so much great information. Thanks!
  6. Pitraptor

    Stalled out?

    The current update is kind of bitter sweet, one plant turned out to be male the other female, but I'll be damned if even the male doesn't look frosty! Theyre both gearing up for blooming, hopefully I'll get some decent seed as I want to avoid buying seeds over the internet too many times, you...
  7. Pitraptor

    Stalled out?

    All of this has been very helpful. My plants are no longer stalled out. As such is the case how do I close this thread?
  8. Pitraptor

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    Damn man, I just started my aero-op yesterday. I hope it turns out ok. I've been seeing all kinds of feedback on these kinds of grows.
  9. Pitraptor

    Saw Some Of This When Ripped And Made It Sober

    True, torrenting CAN be illegal, I already recieved a warning from my isp, a warning because my ip was protected by a huge netwrk of intertangled ip addresses But my history for breaking rules set by the information services department gave me away pretty fast. I feigned being uneducated in the...
  10. Pitraptor

    Growing Sideways

    cougar is correct, even if you grew the cannabis plant upside down it would attempt to grow up, if you tried to grow it sideways it'd still grow up.
  11. Pitraptor

    Check Out My Homemade Pc Grow! 13 days old!

    I appologise if my comment seemed negative, I meant it in a helpful tip kind of way but if it was offensive then perhaps I could have chosen better words. Either way, your plants are certainly big for a pc op!
  12. Pitraptor

    Marijuana Growing Software.

    I'm not downing his idea, I'm simply esxpressing that I think it will be a rather difficult project, especially as a learning tool. Ideas remain ideas untill tried, at which point either the idea's brilliance is proven or things need to be tweaked, that's all, what this means is keep trying till...
  13. Pitraptor

    Marijuana Growing Software.

    It would take a vast amount of time just to harvest the data your suggesting. And rkm is completely correct, even if you had harvested every scrap of data it's almost impossible to cover all of the variables and unknowns and apply it in the needed amount of flexibility to simulate reality. The...
  14. Pitraptor

    Check Out My Homemade Pc Grow! 13 days old!

    Hit it right on the money long, I used to get hotspots all the time with tin foil, even with the glossy side because its hard to install without wrinkling.
  15. Pitraptor

    Stalled out?

    I was purposely trying to stretch them a little bit, but your right torure, I've moved the lights to almost point blank range, I also laid off the water Dirty and the plans are a nicer green, lusher, grew two new leaves practically overnight and the root system has grown almost explosively...
  16. Pitraptor

    IS IT READY YET (i cant wait much longerrrrrrrrrr) (PICS)

    Thats pretty damned fine for a first grow, your colas look sexy dude.
  17. Pitraptor

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    to fistraisedhigh: you want to use the flora nova grow and bloom as previousely stated, lower the light as close as possible to the plants (or your plants will stretch too fast and need replanting before its cycles are completed), set the dial for Strawberrys, and the mylar isn't even...
  18. Pitraptor

    Stalled out?

    Sweet, I'll give that a shot. I remember reading about that in the growfaq but a friend of mine said lowryders like more water so I went with every other day. Thank you for your insight and (astounded and pleasantly surprized about this) extremely fast reply.:hump:
  19. Pitraptor

    Stalled out?

    They are in large sized plastic folgers coffee containers with draining holes and placed into shallow bowls to catch water runoff and extend moisture retension some. The medium is standardized potting soil.
  20. Pitraptor

    Stalled out?

    :peace: Sorry, I forgot it might be helpful to give more details on the environment as it's important to the plant lol. I have two plants, both are stuck in the same stage, both ave their own CFL's equaling 100 watts per plant. Lights are half a foot away, plenty of space given almost zero heat...