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  1. E

    1st grow, day 37 flower. How does it look?

    Thanks! I love my new hobby.
  2. E

    1st grow, day 37 flower. How does it look?

    This is my first grow with a full setup. I had 1 previous grow that was piecemeal lighting and aluminum foil reflectors 7 years ago. I've paid for weed since then and put my guys kid through college. Not anymore. Strain: Banana Kush Fem Photoperiod x3 Lights: LED 3000w x1 1000w x1 150w x2 on...
  3. E

    Please Help! PreFlowing... Male or Fem?

    Looks like a male but it's hard to tell if it's a hermie with those pics... Here's a pic of a true hermie in HQ
  4. E

    Possible Leaf Problem & Advice Wanted

    So with time release fert, the more water it gets the more fert is released? If so that's good to know thanks. Yeah I'm going to give it more time between watering and keep a closer eye on when she needs it.
  5. E

    Possible Leaf Problem & Advice Wanted

    Every 2-3 days with about 16oz of distiller water give or take currently, I haven't used nutes yet but possible the stuff that came in the potting soil? Now that I think of it, it may just be overwatering like you and others said, seems logical. Soil mix probably too as well, it's cheap $4 bag...
  6. E

    Possible Leaf Problem & Advice Wanted

    Yeah I have a few bags of perilite left over, I tried some vermiculite/perilite mix before think I may have had too much and it didn't work too well, but I'll work on aerating the soil with it.
  7. E

    droopy leaves and brown stem under my hairs

    I'm still a new grower, but to me it looks like she's dying of thirst.
  8. E

    Possible Leaf Problem & Advice Wanted

    I've searched the forums and found 20 different answers to the problem I am having, was hoping to eliminate some of those options by asking and showing my plant. The tips of all the fan leaves all over the plant are curling up and at the very tip turning yellow and brown and drying out. Now most...