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  1. BackyardHappyness

    My plants wont stop vegging! been MONTHS

    K sweet! i got two females that are 6 1/2 feet tall, and one male that is 7 feet. hair has never been sexier...(?)
  2. BackyardHappyness

    Weight when buying/purchasing....

    AWESOME. yeah it all works out... i just did the math. THANKS!
  3. BackyardHappyness

    Weight when buying/purchasing....

    Let me start off by saying that i've never been a dealer before. I dont get ripped off as far as size of my weed goes, but i dont know what they should weigh... obviously a pound = a pound....ETC how many grams should a slice be? or at least what portion of an ounce are they?
  4. BackyardHappyness

    My plants wont stop vegging! been MONTHS

    i know they look really not happy either. BTW that pic was taken a bit above my eye level
  5. BackyardHappyness

    My plants wont stop vegging! been MONTHS

    K sorry its been so long. i live almost at the canadian border. im going to go down again today to re-measure.
  6. BackyardHappyness

    My plants wont stop vegging! been MONTHS

    I have 3 plants that i started indoors way back in march. Back in may i put them outside. Right now they are almost pushing 6 feet tall. They are pretty stretched but its alright. I cant get them to stop vegging!!! the light cycles now are about 12/12 and they wont switch! however, i dont...
  7. BackyardHappyness

    Cant tell if it's male or female? maybe both?

    sounds like a hermie! that sucks. to be sure it would really help if you had pics...
  8. BackyardHappyness

    MAJOR pest probs...with pics.

    I hate reviving my own threads, but now i have even more problems. i got black bears. i saw one within 50 feet of my was about 3 feet tall when walking on 4 legs. probably like 6 or 7 feet standing up. this is great because now i cant go down without thinking im going to get mauled.
  9. BackyardHappyness

    What are the chances, all females?

    Lol...u better be sure that you didnt buy feminized!
  10. BackyardHappyness

    Im I looking at jail time?

    LOL tell us how that works out for you...
  11. BackyardHappyness

    36 hour light schedule

    i guess thats not me.
  12. BackyardHappyness

    CD/DVD Reflector

    this is just a quick question...what do you plan to do when the stalks get too fat? everytime i try to cut CDs, they shatter and blow shrapnel everywhere. GL if they cut anything
  13. BackyardHappyness

    36 hour light schedule

    LOL at first i was wondering how you managed to add an extra 12 hours onto the day... ive read that strange lighting schedules can increase stress on the plant. im not sure if i believe this, but it supposedly increases the chances of it being a hermie.
  14. BackyardHappyness

    Fucking Bats

    LOL! i'd say u better drop a nut! either that or invent some crazy suit...fully equipped with a "whoops, i shat myself" door
  15. BackyardHappyness

    police run in!

    I agree! you DID get lucky there, even though they were doing illegal things too. dont grow there again! if you make a big deal of it, you could still get screwed over. however, evidence in court can NOT be used if there was no search warrant or the popo's obtained it illegally. just shut...
  16. BackyardHappyness

    INTERNETS worst Marijuana Grows

    YIKES. that is alot of sorry ass weed. its like looking at a retarded five year old who is trying to prove to his parents that hes not retarded.
  17. BackyardHappyness

    emergency - any kind soul to help me out?

    kill those little bastards. id slit their throats enough to make a pool of blood, then drown them in it. i hate stupid kids.
  18. BackyardHappyness

    please help lets see who can get this right

    i sorta had this impression too. start slow. its an expensive hobby too, and it would be very disappointing to lose out on that investment on a noob mistake. start with dirt, for practice. and hang out on here, you will learn A LOT.
  19. BackyardHappyness

    please help lets see who can get this right

    im no expert but this is what i have to say... first of all, im assuming that these are coming from seeds, and also that you are starting fresh. For the first month or two, you will want a bunch of CFLs. How many? Im not too sure. Maybe 8-12 per room. Keep them on a 24/7 schedule, then...
  20. BackyardHappyness

    help, are these balls? (pics)

    What are those little ladies doin in the HPS side? same question with the fattie on the CFL side??? u experimenting?