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  1. I


    Im also a first timer. I am using a cheap LED panel and it hasnt been doing bad till I effed up my grow. I posted a thread about it. Its rather disappointing. But LED is great with conserving power and has advantages in not spending the kind of money you would on an HID light with a ballast and...
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    Urgent!! Need advice now

    Thanks for tha forums. Def aware its effed up 2xM! lol it was a dumbass careless mistake on my part and it definitely wont ever happen again. If it starts to come back I will keep you guys posted. But for now Im planning on my next growth because Ive almost given up hope on this one
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    When it comes to lighting you are making a big decision. Now I want to know about two different ones and I want opinions from people with experience with both or one or the other either way. Now my question is HID or LED. I understand LED is a newer tech and the advantages of it is not changing...
  4. I

    Auto Lemon Haze - Pics

    Doing automatics what kind of care do you do? Do you just plant and let them go maybe trimming along the way or what?
  5. I

    Urgent!! Need advice now

    I tied it up with sewing string to keep it upright. Hopefully it starts to come around once i start to flush
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    Urgent!! Need advice now

    I heard misting with mineral water is really good for it should i mist with some mineral water. Cuz it doesnt feel dehydrated or anything. i believe its just in a severe pH shock
  7. I

    Urgent!! Need advice now

    Alright. I was just gonna take a kabob stick and tie some string around it and tie it up and help support it to help it out. Like I said it is my first plant and i was still vegging obviously and it was only a month in maybe so It hasnt been in long. I am nervous for whenever I actually get into...
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    Urgent!! Need advice now

    I gotcha man. Thanks for tha advice anyway. Would trimming the larger leaves help out and maybe string it upright?
  9. I

    Urgent!! Need advice now

    Im not using any kind of soil though im in a bucket. It hasnt left it. Started there from germination. So Get H202 and mix that with water and put it in the bucket for how long? and do that twice?
  10. I

    Urgent!! Need advice now

    Ok so I am running a DWC 5 gallon bucket under an LED light. Its been going really well until a couple of days ago. I am growing MK ULTRA. But I came home from work and was in a hurry, I was tired and ready to sleep and I wanted to get my pH from around 5.0-5.5 to about 6.0-6.5 Well I didnt...