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  1. P

    Brown rusty spots on my critical 47?

    Have you used a magnifier on the underside of the leaves? That's where the mites "might" be hanging around at. As far as webs, they are not always around when there are mites. Everything you listed seemed in the range, but glad you stopped using 7 ph water.
  2. P

    First week flowering and still plagued by new growth yellowing

    Thanks for the link. Pretty informative!
  3. P

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Hey, I was looking at your fourth pic up from bottom. I noticed that some of your leaf tips are curling down, do you know what that is from?
  4. P

    Any info on Skunk #1 x Chemdog?

    I picked up a few clones of a (Skunk #1 X Chemdog) cross. Has anyone ever grown this before? Any pertinent info to be known about it?
  5. P

    Has anyone tried Purple Mazar (purple kush x mazar)?

    I just received a Purple Mazar clone (purple kush x mazar). Jas anyone tried growing this strain before? Anything specific to this strain that is out of the norm (extra nutes, longer veg, etc, etc)? Thank you in advance.