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  1. G

    First Salvia Use

    Yeah dude please tell me how that is. I wanna know if I should get 10x-20x.
  2. G

    First Salvia Use

    Yeah its legal except in like 5 states or something and they have regular salvia leaf or you can get extract salvia which is chopped up leaves and they have 5x strength 10x,15x,20x etc.
  3. G

    First Salvia Use

    Like I don't want it to be too crazy where it isn't fun and I don't want to ever do it again, but I want to definitely feel the effects and have a pretty cool trip. I'm looking at bouncing bear botanicals and cheap salvia divinorum but I don't know what to get. Based on that criteria should I...
  4. G

    First Salvia Use

    Yeah like I think it would be fun to try and if it's really horrible it only lasts for like 30 minutes tops so. But you really think I should try 40? I don't know if I want it too intense the first time.
  5. G

    First Salvia Use

    Hey guys me and a couple friends are thinking about ordering some salvia. There are 5 of us that want to try it and I am looking for suggestions on how much and the strength of what I should order. I was thinking about extract because from what I read you have to smoke/inhale the leaves a few...
  6. G

    Out of the bag miracle grow PH 7.5 ?????

    Why is that surprising? Do you expect Miracle Grow to have the perfect ph?
  7. G

    If I don't fertilize my plant at all, will it still grow?

    The Miracle Gro soil has some fertilizer in it which is probably why you're plants are still doing ok. I have two plants about the same age as yours and also using MG soil. One is fine and the other is having deficiencies. You will probably get deficiencies in your plant eventually and they'll...
  8. G

    Yellow leaves

    alright will do thanks
  9. G

    Help PlZ! Nutrient question

    gotcha nvrm then
  10. G

    Help PlZ! Nutrient question

    Why would you use them both? There wouldn't be any benefit of using 2 of them, just pick 1.
  11. G

    Yellow leaves

    Cool I found some 9-17-9 would that be ok? Or should I look for something a little more balanced and with more nitrogen? Also I assume it's ok to take some fertilizer that I have in pellet form and let the pellets dissolve in water and then fertilize with that? I know I'd have to use a much...
  12. G

    I think I got it down...

    -When exactly do I start giving them nutrients? My soil will be a 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermiculite, and 1/3 worm castings. You can start giving nutrients once they are 2-3 weeks old. -Should I give them slightly less nutrients because of the worm castings? You should always start out with using...
  13. G

    Yellow leaves

    They aren't in pots they are in the ground. The plant with the problem is about 8 inches tall. I recently moved them out into more sun because they were stretching.
  14. G

    Yellow leaves

    It's leaves have been yellowish for a little while now, at least a week or two. I haven't added any additional fertilizer so I am thinking its not nut burn, but idk.
  15. G

    Yellow leaves

    Actually I have been reading more and I am pretty sure its a Magnesium deficiency. I also read that having over nuts of nitrogen can cause magnesium deficiency. I'll try and water with some epsom salts and see if it goes away.
  16. G

    Yellow leaves

    My plants aren't very old but one of the plant's leaves are yellow. They aren't fully yellow and it's not just the tips. The yellow is scattered all across the leaf. I am using Miracle Grow potting soil. I'm trying to figure out if it is nut burn from the nutrients in the soil or deficiency. If...
  17. G

    Anybody With Experiance Plz Help Me!!

    I am pretty sure that drooping of the leaves is pretty normal while they are starting out. Since you planted them recently I think it's ok that they are sagging a little and they should rebound after they start to grow some roots. Oh and I think you are supposed to open the lid a few times a day...
  18. G

    White Seeds

    Update on this: Well I figured I would try and germinate the seeds anyways (I got them for free). And I figured out of about 35 of them that maybe 1 or 2 would possibly germinate. If not then I didn't loose anything. So after a day I look at them and they went from tan/off white to dark green...
  19. G

    FLIR in helicopters(outdoor)

    Even if it does grow give off a different wavelength (which i doubt that weed gives off a diff wavelength than any other plant) he probably is right and they only look for huge grow sites. They wouldn't think anything of a few plants.
  20. G

    White Seeds

    I did look it up and I read that if you have white seeds to put them under a fluorescent light and they will turn dark green/brown. I know I can't germinate them when they are white. Alright thanks anyways guys I guess I'll have to get some better seeds. Oh and one more thing. If my plants that...